
Special Science and U: Michio Kaku and Weiping Yu on the God Equation

In this special Science and U conversation, David Gornoski and Dr. Weiping Yu sit down with renowned physicist Michio Kaku, author of the bestseller The God Equation. Michio Kaku talks about the inspiration behind writing the God Equation, string theory, unifying quantum theory and relativity, the existence of other universes, the existence of a “hyperspace,” […]

Science and U: Deconstructing the God Equation

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with more Science and U. The physicist comments on Michio Kaku’s The God Equation. Will the universe “tear up” as Michio Kaku claims? Is string theory consistent or is it fundamentally flawed? What is the Voyager 1 probe up to now? Why are pink drinks linked to running enhancement? Do sharks […]

Science and U: New Radio Emissions from Venus

The show’s chief science advisor, Dr. Weiping Yu, returns with more Science and U. The renowned physicist comments on the news that the solar probe Parker detects natural radio emission from Venus. What technological possibilities can we foresee when we look at the UFO phenomenon? Is gravity a double copy of other forces? Listen to […]

Science and U: Oxygen Produced on Mars

Dr. Weiping Yu returns to the show with a brand new segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the muon results that show discrepancies in the standard theory of fundamental particles. “I believe there are no orbiting electrons,” Dr. Yu astonishingly claims. Dr. Yu also comments on the news that MOXIE has produced […]

Science and U: The Universe Is a Self-Teaching Machine

Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, is back with more Science and U. The physicist comments on the news that a cancer patient who caught coronavirus saw his tumor disappear. Does COVID have the capability of killing cancer? Dr. Yu answers this question and also comments on the claim that […]

Science and U: Is Physics Too Complicated?

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with more Science and U. The renowned physicist comments on the latest science news such as Japanese scientists discovering a way to regrow teeth; the promise to create a diamond nuclear-powered battery that will last for 28,000 years; physicists discovering a new phase in Bose-Einstein condensate of light particles; and more. […]

Science and U: Is Cold Fusion Possible?

Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, is back with more Science and U. The physicist comments on the news of the first-ever image of a black hole taken in polarized light. Wherever we find black holes we find magnetic fields. What does this mean? Is the standard model of physics […]

Science and U: Lifeforms Discovered on ISS

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the discovery of microbes that may help grow crops in space, the discovery of molecules never before seen in space, the existence of black holes, and more. Did lightning play a role in the development of life on Earth? […]

Science and U: Sensing is a Magnetic Phenomenon

A Neighbor’s Choice chief science advisor Dr. Weiping Yu returns with a brand new segment of Science and U. The renowned physicist comments on a new study that provides the best evidence for a hidden layer deep within Earth’s solid inner core. Why is the structure of the Earth so important? Sr. Yu also comments […]

Science and U: Space Hurricane Observed for the First Time

In this segment of Science and U, Dr. Weiping Yu comments on the news that a ‘space hurricane’ that rained electrons has been observed for the first time. What is this space hurricane? Join Dr. Yu as he offers his insight on this astonishing discovery. The renowned physicist also comments on the news of water […]