
Maj Toure on Liberty vs. Globalism

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.]  Why do the Globalists want us to eat roaches? Black Guns Matter founder Maj Toure joins the show to answer this question while commenting on the establishment’s divide and rule agenda, the scapegoating of Clarence Thomas, how Republicans and Libertarians can collaborate on […]

The Answer to Indoctrination Is Freedom

Is banning CRT in schools really the answer or is there a deeper issue that we’re overlooking? Are millennials and Gen Z Americans aware of our nation’s basic history? Join David Gornoski as he looks beneath the partisan war over indoctrination and media mythmaking and explains why freedom must form the core of culture. David […]

The Real Religion That Dominates Us

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] What is the political fallout from the SCOTUS overturning of Roe v. Wade looking like right now? How do we get out of the zero-sum mental prison of political thinking? Is Putin’s “toxic masculinity” to blame for the war in Ukraine? Is Chris Pratt […]

Smashing the Narratives of Might-Makes-Right

David Gornoski starts the episode with an epic takedown of the Malthusian corporate-backed system stemming out of DC. Why is it so hard for humans to accept the premise that their ruling agencies are frauds deeply captured by their industrial interests? Why is Fauci suffering a rebound of COVID despite getting the medicine he decreed […]

THINGS HIDDEN 64: Dinesh D’Souza on Mules and Movies

In this special THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski is joined by filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza for a conversation about his latest film 2000 Mules. Why has the Left come to dominate our culture to the extent that double standards have become the norm? What kind of films should conservatives be making? Did Trump underestimate the swamp […]

Jeff Deist & Joshua Yoder: The Airline Crisis

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] What are some of the glaring problems that are being overlooked in the federalization of gun laws? Joining Jeff Deist for this episode is Joshua Yoder from US Freedom Flyers who calls in to talk about the post-pandemic challenges to airline pilots and staff. […]

Jordan Schachtel: The Return of Pandemic Mania

The Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist returns to guest host the show and he starts by commenting on the news surrounding Supreme Court’s latest decision on firearms as well as the Tampa housing market and why saving money has become harder. Also in the show, independent journalist Jordan Schachtel calls in to talk about how the […]

A Virtual Hell Simulator on Earth

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] David Gornoski brings to light the mimetic rivalry in the West vs. Putin narrative. What do we make of the Davos elitist plan to manufacture “virtual babies?” How did mainstream media outlets like NBC undermine Father’s Day? Listen to the full episode for the […]

Dismantling State-Sponsored Myths of Persecution

David Gornoski opens the show by commenting on the hidden worshipping of sacred idols that persist in our society today. What does the overemphasis of message over storytelling in recent movies signify? What does the lack of wonder in modern storytelling tell us? Listen to the full episode to find out. Plus, David explains how […]

Play Stupid Monetary Games, Win Stupid Prizes

How can we survive a bureaucratic regime that continues to demand adoration and worship in exchange for economic ignorance? Is there any scientific justification for the FDA’s recommendation of vaccines for children? Why isn’t Biden worried about the profit margins of Big Pharma companies? Has China detected aliens? Join David Gornoski as he answers these […]