
Politics Normalizes Violence, Warp Speed Rigs Medical Science

David Gornoski starts off the show by analyzing New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s remarks about Trump’s “negligence.” What do we make of the left’s attempt to normalize violence in everyday American lives? Should we forget how Cuomo’s negligence cost lives in New York’s nursing homes? Join David as he gets to the bottom of the […]

The Personhood Revolution of Jesus

“What kind of resistance sides with the media and establishment elites?” David Gornoski asks as he exposes Antifa’s “McResistance.” David zeroes in on the media and points out how they stoked the flames of the riots by constantly pushing narratives bound in scapegoating Trump voters. Should the state involve itself in the development of coronavirus […]

Our Country’s Search for Justice

David Gornoski comments on the latest news surrounding the shooting at Portland. Is it any coincidence that the shooter identified himself as “hundred percent Antifa?” In light of the Rand Paul incident, what valid argument can Marxism provide when it almost always resort to persecution and violence? The host of A Neighbor’s Choice also comments […]

Anna Paulina Luna on Her Race for US Congress

David Gornoski starts off the show with the latest news surrounding the RNC, particularly the news of a hysterical mob circling an exiting Rand Paul and his wife. The frightening question, David says, is what lays in store for us when Trump is no longer around for the possessed leftist crowd to scapegoat? Listen to […]

Do Foreign Black Lives Matter to the New York Times?

David Gornoski host of the FM/AM radio show “A Neighbor’s Choice” takes on the obscene media hypocrisy on social justice. The NY Times, Washington Post, and major television networks have consistently pushed the case for perpetual war overseas, costing the lives of millions of people of color overseas and laying waste to survivors’ communities, property, […]

Libertarianism vs Christianity, Chad Marks on Unjust Sentencing Rules

David Gornoski breaks down Joe Biden’s mythology upon which he is running for president while going through the latest news from around the country. What do the suspension of NHL and other sports seasons mean in the anthropological sense? What are some of the radical differences between libertarianism and Christianity? Also in the show, Chad […]

The Monstrous Doubling in Politics, Jeff Deist on Deflation, Liberalism

David Gornoski starts off the show by analyzing how the two parties in America, Republican and Democratic, are mirrors of each other. “The more the two parties compete for power, the more they look the same.” What can we do to escape this mirroring that happens far too often in politics? Listen to the full […]

Why Twitter is a Hellscape

“Twitter is one long, drawn-out crisis of undifferentiation with a neverending futile search for scapegoats.” The social media platform has become a playground of sorts for politicians playing childish tit-for-tat games with each other. Why has Twitter become such a hellscape? Healthy boundaries and hierarchies are what our society currently lacks, David observes. Joining David […]

RNC Preview, Political Drama Obfuscation

Why is everyone, even the Republicans, obsessed with President Trump? Once we get through all the drama and superficiality, we see the people’s issues always taking the backseat in politics. “Politics distract us with personalities, but nothing changes in the status quo of our existence,” David remarks. Join David Gornoski as he analyzes some of […]

Taking Negative Thoughts Captive with Neo Positivity

How do we break out of the bleakness and uncertainty of 2020? Neo Davila, founder of and host of the popular Masters of the Law of Attraction podcast, joins David Gornoski to help us tackle this question. What do we do when we hear some really bad news? How do we handle this “new […]