
Georgi Dinkov, Brad Marshall on Obesity Causes and Solutions

Bioenergetic Health researcher Georgi Dinkov and Brad Marshall, author and blogger at Fire in a Bottle, join David Gornoski for a discussion on the causes of obesity and how we can solve this widespread epidemic. Georgi and Brad start by talking about how they got into their respective research and how their peers reacted to […]

More Ways to Protect Life, Tucker Goodrich Joins

“We have to be willing to protect life, joyously and confidently, from cradle to grave.” How can Leftists figure out that caring about others does not involve carrying water for DC elites and big corporations? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also in the show, Tucker Goodrich calls in to talk about the […]

Happy Families Are Extreme, Goodrich on Seed Oil Lung Cancer Link

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] Why does DC want to prolong the war in Ukraine? What makes one an extremist to a DC elitist? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also in the show, Tucker Goodrich calls in to talk about the dietary connection to cancer and […]

Dr. Cate Shanahan on Dealing With the Baby Formula Crisis

What does the Leftist media’s attack on Rand Paul reveal about the political status quo? What is the most likely outcome of the war in Ukraine? What do we make of Trump’s endorsement of Blake Masters? Listen to the full episode to find out. Plus, Dr. Cate Shanahan joins David Gornoski to talk about how […]

What Diet is Effective for Reducing PUFA?

David Gornoski is joined by nutrition researcher Tucker Goodrich for a conversation on how to rid our bodies of excess PUFA. What kind of diets should people take up when faced with sicknesses like obesity and diabetes? Also in the show, David addresses the mass demand for more coercive power in light of tragedies like […]

The Science: Dr. Pierre Kory, Where Do We Go From Here?

In this fifth episode of The Science, David Gornoski sits down with Dr. Pierre Kory, one of the frontline doctors who are still battling against COVID. Why are government-prescribed drugs failing in the pandemic? Is there an overlap between those suffering from long COVID and the vaccine-injured? What kind of diet works for those recovering […]

Dr. Ray Peat, Brad Marshall on Reductive Stress, Solutions to PUFA Obesity (Part 2)

David Gornoski continues the discussion with Dr. Ray Peat and Brad Marshall. Is it really the seed oils driving the obesity explosion or is it other PUFA-high foods? What is reductive stress and how is it causing obesity? Is reductive stress connected to PUFAs? What are Dr. Peat and Brad’s differing solutions to this crisis? […]

Dr. Ray Peat, Brad Marshall on the History of PUFA and Obesity (Part 1)

David Gornoski sits down with Dr. Ray Peat and Brad Marshall for a fascinating discussion on the damage from high PUFA diets. What is the ideal diet for children? How are children being exposed to PUFAs in their current diets? What caused the low metabolic rates in women in the 1930s? What is causing the […]

Dietary Solution to PUFA Crisis

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by nutrition expert Tucker Goodrich. Is it possible to burn excess PUFAs from our bodies? What kind of balance do we need to maintain between carbs and fats? How important is exercising for the body? What is […]

How the Personhood Revolution Destroys Victim-Garbed Politics

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] How do we detox ourselves from a lifetime of consuming seed oils? Join David Gornoski as he answers this question and later highlights how the government’s monopoly over nutrition, medicine, and science scapegoats non-violent innovators in our society. Also in the show, David expands […]