
Science and U: Dr. Yu and Scott Adams on Loserthink

In this classic Science and U interview that aired on November 7, 2019, David Gornoski and Dr. Weiping Yu are joined by Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert comic strip and author of Loserthink. In Loserthink Scott Adams argues that untrained brains are ruining America. How is this phenomenon occurring? “It takes some humility to […]

What is A Neighbor’s Choice?

Can we have a pro-family society without liberty? What is liberty and who gives it to us? Join David Gornoski as he explains how love for freedom can coexist with love for our fellow neighbors? Also, David explains how the Left’s dynamics are eerily similar to that of a cult while highlighting their thirst for […]

The Media Revolution

David Gornoski starts off the show by commenting on Trump’s remarks about his recovery from COVID and the media reaction to his interaction with supporters. “Trump cares too much about the media,” David says. “The corporate press are the PR firms for the establishment.” One does not need to agree with Donald Trump to see […]

Science and U: Measuring Matter, NASA Doubling Down on Nuclear Fusion

How did scientists manage to measure the total amount of matter in the universe? Dr. Weiping Yu returns for another segment of Science and U to answer this question. The physicist also comments on the news that NASA is planning to make nuclear fusion commercial and on the update of Michael Lisanti’s project to beat […]

Media Tries Its Best to Control You

Why are the masses falling prey to a media that acts as the establishment’s PR front? David Gornoski argues that the problem exists because of the void that is intended to be filled by non-violent, innovative role models who can revolutionize science, technology, and other spheres without the need for coercion. How do we foster […]

The Apocalyptic Fallout from Biden-Trump Debate

As expected, nothing of value was discussed in the Trump-Biden debate. David Gornoski points to how the mainstream media’s twisted narrative was well represented by Chris Wallace’s woeful moderating. How will this debate impact our subconsciousness that identifies with the visuals? Will there ever be a discussion of real solutions, like curing cancer and other […]

THINGS HIDDEN 21: Jean-Michel Oughourlian Interview

In this THINGS HIDDEN conversation, David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell are joined by Jean-Michel Oughourlian, psychologist and author of The Mimetic Brain. Oughourlian starts the discussion with an insider’s perspective as Girard’s collaborator and how he found breakthroughs in the field of psychotherapy upon studying mimetic theory. “The mirror neuron is something fantastic,” Oughourlian remarks, […]

Science and U: Northern Lights on Rosetta’s Comet, Strange New Magnetoelectric Effect

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with Science and U to comment on new studies implying black holes from the Big Bang could be the Dark Matter. The physicist also comments on astronomers discovering “northern lights” surrounding Rosetta’s famous comet for the first time. Dr. Yu brings attention to the fact that electromagnetic emissions have been detected […]

Frontiers in Mind-Body Science with Ilya Dubovoy MD

“Will we continue to rely on just a few big platforms… or will we return to decentralized internet like it was before?” David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on Kim Kardashian’s remarks on freezing her social media accounts to “protest the spread of hate speech and misinformation.” David argues that to solve social problems […]

THINGS HIDDEN 19: Big City Blues

David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell are back with another discussion. This time, the two have an exciting conversation on mimesis in an increasingly technological world. How has the end of witch-hunting accelerated scientific innovation? What are the modern-day scapegoating institutions that have brought innovation to a standstill? Is the profit model desirable in the field […]