
THINGS HIDDEN 198: Does the Parrot Dream at Night?

David Gornoski, Shannon Braswell, and Surit Dasgupta talk about migrant violence, matriarchy in Eastern culture, how capitalism disrupted Indian society, performative language in Eastern societies, subcultures, the N’Kisi project, the physics of mimesis, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 197: How Victimism Retards Progress

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta talk about how victimism stifles progress in our society, the loss of trust, lack of desire for excellence, how to regain the frontier spirit, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 196: Why Do Badgers Fight?

David Gornoski, Shannon Braswell, Shane Kennedy and Surit Dasgupta get together for an exciting discussion on what made Christians close-minded, why churches must abandon worship of institutions, obsessing over ecclesiology, why there is a lack of joy in church, and more. Check out Bright News here.

TRUMP And The Mimetic Cross (Appearance on 2Bit Podcast)

David Gornoski appears on Jason Mironchuk’s “At the End of the Day” show alongside Q of Mimetic Value. “Many people know of Rene Girard’s theories of desire and violence, but what does his Mimetic Theory and the Scapegoat have to say about Christianity? Are we Westerners haunted by the Cross? Is Trump the scapegoat to […]

THINGS HIDDEN 195: What Should We Be Doing?

David Gornoski and James Kourtides talk about Trump’s conviction, how Trump has influenced other politicians, the need for decentralization, patent gnosticism vs incarnational innovation, what free market medical industry looks like, healing the soil for abundant crops, and more. Check out James Kourtides’ YouTube channel.

THINGS HIDDEN 194: Finding the Sweet Wonder of Life

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta talk about the wonders of being pro-life. They start the conversation on how the Eucharist saves the world from cannibalism and then move into how humans are attracted and repulsed like magnets. Why do moderns recoil at differences? Does Christianity mean to deprive ourselves of the good things in life?

THINGS HIDDEN 193: The Christ Haunted Town of Twin Peaks

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta explore David Lynch’s TV series Twin Peaks through a Gospel-oriented anthropological lens. Among the topics covered are Lynch’s cyclical narratives, the truth behind whodunnit mysteries, how the haunting of Laura Palmer translates into the real world, and more. The Twin Peaks analysis video we talk about is here.

How the Eucharist Saves the World

You are what you eat. —Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin The ritual of eating meals is the heart and soul of civilization. It forms boundaries between tribes and borders between nations. It helps us survive and tells us who we are. In every religion, there is, in one form or another, a ritual involving a meal. The […]

THINGS HIDDEN 192: Power Made Perfect

David Gornoski talks about the futility of power-grabbing politics, how to really defeat fear-filled mythologies, the bias against innovation in dissenting media, gnostic/dualistic trappings, co-participating with God in the renewal of the world, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 191: What Made the West Lose its Mind?

David Gornoski is joined by Shane Kennedy and Shannon Braswell for a conversation on the negation of the body in the West, the rise of pseudo-gnosticism, the similarities in modern-day conflicts, returning to signs and wonders, why secularists want to transcend nature, the attempt to return to Nietzschean, and more.