
Reflections on Good Friday with Pastor Jim Fitzgerald

It’s time for some reflection on Good Friday, and pastor Jim Fitzgerald joins David Gornoski to discuss his experience from his recent time spent in Egypt and Iraq and how people there are coping with the Covid-19 pandemic. Also, should we bother going to church? The question keeps popping up, especially in this age of […]

Iain McGilchrist on Pandemics, The Divided Brain, Physics, Morphic Fields, and Rene Girard

David Gornoski talks with renowned neuroscientist Iain McGilchrist on his groundbreaking paradigm of how the left and right hemispheres shape our world, institutions, and culture. Julian Jaynes’s bicameral mind, Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic field hypothesis, Rene Girard’s mimetic theory, and Weiping Yu’s dipolar particle theory are all explored with the premise of McGilchrist’s “The Master and […]

THINGS HIDDEN 10: Tom Holland Interview

How did Christianity change the world? Can we trace a path towards a less violent world due to the impact of the story of Jesus’s death on humanity’s sense-making? David Gornoski talks with acclaimed historian Tom Holland on his new book Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World and how his study of history […]

THINGS HIDDEN 9: The Impotent Sacrifice

David Gornoski explores how our forms of collective violence increasingly fail to deter violence because of our lack of appetite for publicly sanctioned brutality. This phenomenon, a product of the Gospel’s influence in the West, will continue to render state coercion impotent in foreign nation building campaigns and domestic wars on nonviolent choices. Media ecology […]

THINGS HIDDEN 8: The Origins of Political Correctness

Where did political correctness come from? Why is it unique to the West? What force provides the context by which this contagious complex of victim-posturing for power arose? David Gornoski explores how our gradual demystification of historical texts acts as a blame-the-messenger self-obsession with attacking Western institutions and traditions.

THINGS HIDDEN 7: Why Nations Rage

David Gornoski explores why politics is failing to contain our violence and animosity increasingly in AD 2020. We examine the anthropological forces at play as division grows in politics the longer cultures steep in the story and values of the crucified one.

THINGS HIDDEN 5: The Sign of Jonah, Susanna, and Mythic Justice

David Gornoski explores how the story of Jonah, Susanna’s persecution, and Daniel’s imprisonment serve as evidence of early Christianity’s deeply anti-sacrificial meaning and aesthetic. These stories deal with averted sacrifice and mercy for the weak, misfits, and outsiders.

THINGS HIDDEN 4: What Binds Us Together?

We talk about human sacrifice in history and our modern times. What binds us together? What is the psychological-social force that unites us out of our personas? We look at the earliest depiction of the Cross of Christ in history–a telling piece of street graffiti meant to deride the new concept of Christ followers that […]

THINGS HIDDEN 3 : Joker Film Analysis

Things Hidden host David Gornoski analyzes the movie ‘Joker’ while using its themes about culture, scapegoats, hierarchy, doubles, envy, and the breakdown of myth with the support of the Mimetic theory founded by Rene Girard. Saturnalia and other winter solstice carnival festivals preceding sacrifice, Cain and Abel, Romulus and Remus, Jesus and the Demoniac, and […]

THINGS HIDDEN 2: Saturnalia

Jesus’s persecution looks like the Saturnalia sacrificial festival of the Romans as well as the scapegoat ritual of Leviticus and the Greek pharmakos purge. This was a feature of Jesus’s plan in demonstrating the ugly reality of how humans make culture, order, and peace. Find out how this social mechanism Jesus uncovers operates in world […]