
Unholy Profits

What if Galileo had been asked to spend millions to prove his claim? Host David Gornoski explains how the government’s patenting practices have proved to be an enormous and sinful hurdle in fighting the COVID-19 virus. “But free markets hurt families,” say the naysayers. David Gornoski disagrees. “I see a society that has mutated from […]

Rep. Mike Hill: Government Overreach Is Not The Answer

In this episode of A Neighbor’s Choice, Florida Rep. Mike Hill calls in and argues that instead of panicking and shutting down the economy saner heads should have prevailed. “Government is not the answer, it has created the problem in the first place.” The conversation then moves to Mike Hill’s email interaction with a woman […]

Jason Jones On His Arrest And Why Leftists Love Victimless Crime Laws

In this exciting episode of A Neighbor’s Choice, David Gornoski comments on the latest news of the clearing of General Michael Flynn from all charges. Jason Jones, human rights activist and filmmaker, calls in from Hawaii and discusses his experience of getting arrested for exercising his First Amendment Rights and how the media put a […]

Policies vs. Principles

Why do people obsess over policies, which are based on utilitarian and pragmatic worldviews? David Gornoski argues that we should reject this obsession and instead concern ourselves with principles, which are timeless, humbling, and absolute. In a world where being ‘practical’ is the trend and principles are considered passé, what does it mean to stand […]

Alec Klein: Why do Innocent People Go to Prison?

Can someone be put behind bars without presenting an injured party? Why do the innocents suffer injustice and what sense can we make of their suffering? Alec Klein, best-selling author and award-winning journalist, joins David Gornoski to talk about the tough situations faced by inmates during this pandemic and his upcoming book Aftermath, which tells […]

How to Zoom to Success

How can we explain the government’s self-contradictory measures such as punishing non-violent law breakers by putting them in prisons where violence is rampant? Why do we allow such laws to exist? David Gornoski argues that history has been built on the sacrifices of the ones by the many. We need to change our mindsets and […]

The Sunshine Apocalypse

How can we expect to win against COVID-19 when our immunity is made vulnerable by the lockdowns? Are top-down solutions any good in combating the pandemic? David Gornoski gets to the heart of the matter and explains how the key to fighting coronavirus lies in our sovereignty. Plus, Sir Owen returns to the show to […]

How to Overcome Fear

It’s time to pop the bubble of coercive groupthink! Should we blindly imitate the authoritarian government of China in their absolute control over free speech? Stop the stifling of free discussion and face the truth courageously! Join host David Gornoski and Olof Af Yggdrasil from Sweden as they take on state power, the mainstream media, […]

Why is Faith in the State So Hard to Shake?

Why do we sacrifice our neighbors to the false gods of the state? When the going gets tough who do we put our faith in? Host David Gornoski expertly deconstructs the state’s religiosity and its use of fear and threat in dictating our lives. The heart of politics is the blame game! David Gornoski urges […]

Classic Interviews: Jordan Peterson on Christ, the Crowd, and René Girard

Back in 2018, David Gornoski caught up with the then rising psychologist Jordan Peterson right on the release day of his bestselling book ’12 Rules for Life.’ The two had an interesting conversation on political correctness, the left’s fetish for victimization, his book, and René Girard. Revisit that interview by watching the video above. David […]