
THINGS HIDDEN 104: Trust in Apocalypse with Michael Hardin

David Gornoski sits down with Michael Hardin, author of the Jesus Driven Life, for a conversation on how Jesus changes the concept of religion in the ancient world, how the Gospel affects economics, the technological sins, gnostic origin of modern Christianity, the coming Jesus revolution, Donald Trump as scapegoat, the future of American politics, the […]

THINGS HIDDEN 103: Death to the World with Buck Johnson

David Gornoski sits down with Buck Johnson, the host of the Counterflow podcast, for a conversation on the origin of the Counterflow podcast, his conversion to Orthodoxy, spiritual discipline in firefighting, facing the spirit of the crowd, cultural changes in the new generation, from “death to tyrants” to “death to the world,” persecution, martyrdom, and […]

THINGS HIDDEN 102: Mimetic Analysis of a Demonic Possession

David Gornoski is joined by Jordan Landfear and Surit Dasgupta for a discussion of Fr. Malachi Martin’s popular book Hostage to the Devil. Are the exorcism stories true? What does the first case in Fr. Martin’s book signify for our time? Can those who get demonically possessed resist evil? Listen to the full podcast to […]

THINGS HIDDEN 101: The Mimetic Legacy with Jean-Michel Oughourlian, Gil Bailie

David Gornoski is joined by Jean-Michel Oughourlian and Gil Bailie. The two talk about the latest and upcoming books; vertical and horizontal spirituality; how we can receive grace; the battle over secretness in the Catholic church; mimesis in the liturgy; the road to peace in Ukraine; the normalization of carnival and self-creation; how evil exists; […]

THINGS HIDDEN 99: Christ and the Jan 6 Capitol Riot

David Gornoski, Shane Kennedy & Shannon Braswell talk about the January 6 footage released by Tucker Carlson. Why is there a television producer on the January 6 committee? Who is to blame for the protest that took place on that day? In what sense is the Capitol “sacred?” What should have been Trump’s reaction to […]

THINGS HIDDEN 98: Mimetic Desire and the Sign of Jonah with Anthony Bartlett

David Gornoski sits down with Anthony Bartlett, author of the book Theology Beyond Metaphysics, for a conversation on approaching semiotics through the work of Rene Girard, how to approach violent passages in the Old Testament, why the Gospel will heal violence in the animal kingdom, why Jesus’ self-sacrifice was so scandalous to the ancient world, […]

We Fight Because of Our Similarities – David Gornoski on the Counterflow Podcast

Check out David Gornoski’s recent appearance on the Counterflow podcast with Buck Johnson. Episode description: “My guest this week, in what is one of my favorite interviews to date, is David Gornoski. David Gornoski is the host of the radio show A Neighbor’s Choice–a show that looks at politics, science, and culture through the lens […]

THINGS HIDDEN 97: The Christ and Dilbert with Shannon Braswell and Shane Kennedy

David Gornoski sits down with Shannon Braswell and Shane Kennedy for a conversation on Scott Adams’ reaction to a poll on race relations in America. How can we combat a media apparatus that is motivated by the urge to divide and conquer? What is the source of the disintegration of race relations in America? To […]

Anthropology Through the Eyes of a Landscaper

Jordan, a landscaper from Florida, guest hosts this episode and he dives deep into how Rene Girard changed the outlook on his relationships with those close to him. How can we learn to breathe life in times of stress? How can we create art and live joyfully through suffering? How do we renew ourselves daily […]

If We Build IT: David Gornoski Appears on 2Bit Podcast

Watch David Gornoski’s recent appearance on 2Bit Podcast. Episode description: “Mark and Jason are joined with special guest David Gornoski of the Neighbour’s Choice podcast and radio show. We invited David on to talk about Rene Girard, the war on differentiation and his hope filled vision of a Christian future.” Follow Mark on Twitter here. […]