
Hot, Humid Obesity w/ Helen (Blue)

David Gornoski and Helen talk about the various issues of living at sea level, where physiology is going, Ray Peat and Rupert Sheldrake’s work, the Neo-Darwinist bias in science, CO2 retention at high altitude, excess estrogen, Rene Girard, and more. Follow Helen on X here.

Investigative Project Announcement

Investigation of Co2 retention, TeslaTech conference coverage, speaking engagements on the ongoing metabolic revolution, and more coming soon. Be a part of history! Contribute

The Body Electric, Co2, B1, and Calcium w/ Bryce Hanna

David Gornoski sits down with Bryce Hanna for an exciting conversation on Neo-Darwinism, Lamarckism, the amazing truth behind psychic connections, benefits of grounding, how infrared light can enhance metabolism, Co2 retention at high altitude, benefits of magnesium, and more. Follow Bryce Hanna on X here.

Ray Peat’s Energy, Gilbert Ling’s Magnetic Jelly Cell, and Weiping Yu’s Uon Particle

David Gornoski sits down with Peter (“Bioenergetic Brain” on X) for a fascinating conversation on high altitude living, the findings of Gilbert Ling, the biology behind lunchroom dramas, how energy functions in cells, the Yin Yang of estrogen and progesterone, why society is downstream from thyroid, reducing lactic acid, and more. Follow Bioenergetic Brain on […]

The Last Enemy Is Death with Joe Bianco

Are we meant to live eternally on Earth? David Gornoski and Joe Bianco begin the conversation by addressing important dietary questions. The discussion then moves into how Christianity promises to make the world anew, the dialectical tension between body and spirit, why Ray Peat was haunted by the cross, and more. Subscribe to Joseph Bianco’s […]

How Estrogen, Serotonin, Thyroid Shape Our Bodies and Society

David Gornoski sits down with Jacob Stephens for a fascinating conversation on Ray Peat’s bioenergetic paradigm, why people have bystander effect, the truth about estrogen, how people are puzzled by nutritional dialectics, the sensation of euphoria from thyroid supplementation, white bread summer, and more.

How Ray Peat, Rene Girard Inform Christianity vs Vitalism w/ Raw Egg Nationalist

David Gornoski and Raw Egg Nationalist get together to explore the anthropology behind the movie Babe, the Church of England, studying at Oxford, Nietzsche’s views on Christianity, how Ray Peat helps us understand Christianity, overcoming stress-induced culture, and more. Raw Egg Nationalist on X here.

Ray Peat, Metabolic Mastery, and the Kingdom of God – THINGS HIDDEN 202

David Gornoski is joined by Nate Lawrence for a groundbreaking conversation on Ray Peat’s bioenergetic revolution, how childlike wonder wins over death anxiety, why women and children are the future, stress and mimesis, AI and the digital hellscape, and more. Follow Nate Lawrence on X here.

How CO2 is the Key to Obesity, Longevity, Metabolism, Wound Healing, and Mental Health

David Gornoski sits down with Steve Scott to discuss why we need Co2 more than we realize. Why does living at high altitudes reduce cancer and obesity risk? How does one know if they’re CO2 deficient? How should we breathe? Why should we watch out for cosmic radiation and PUFA? Carbogenetics website here.

Amber O’Hearn on Keto & Ray Peat’s Bioenergetics vs Metabolic Crisis

 Amber O’Hearn joins David Gornoski to talk about why red meat is important, why a high protein diet may not work for everyone, how our metabolism is being destroyed, solutions to impaired thyroid, whether people get aggressive from carnivore, and more. Check out Amber’s website here.