
Science and U: Is Cold Fusion Possible?

Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, is back with more Science and U. The physicist comments on the news of the first-ever image of a black hole taken in polarized light. Wherever we find black holes we find magnetic fields. What does this mean? Is the standard model of physics […]

Dr. Max Fomitchev-Zamilov on Levitation, Science Renaissance

Nuclear scientist and music composer Dr. Max Fomitchev-Zamilov returns to the show. David Gornoski and Dr. Max discuss some key issues in the world of science and technology such as the government regulatory processes that block innovation, nuclear technology that avoids disasters like Chernobyl and Fukushima, low-temperature cold fusion, bubble fusion, the use of levitation […]

Dr. Yu on Self Charging Batteries, Keith Weiner on the Fed

Can nano-diamond self-charging batteries change energy forever? Dr. Weiping Yu returns to give us his opinion on this latest curiosity in the world of science. On nuclear energy, Dr. Yu remarks: “Radiation itself is not the problem but the concentration of radiation is the problem.” The physicist also comments on maximizing solar technology with infra-red […]