
Churchliness vs Christ

The security and cosiness of historic, everyday churchliness must be sacrificed to the heroic daring of creativeness. —Nikolai Berdyaev A New York Post article from last year noted that there has been a 78% increase in converts to Orthodox Churches in America. The same article highlights that men have vastly outnumbered women in these conversions. […]

David Gornoski on Kanye West’s Presidential Platform, Dale Brown Models New Security Vision

David Gornoski comments on Kanye West’s announcement to run for president. What makes a person qualified to run for president? David reflects on this question and points us to past candidates who were deemed ‘qualified’ for the presidential role and their utter disregard for the constitution in waging wars and imposing coercive laws. Plus, Dale […]

The Exorcism of a Possessed Market

Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way […]

George Floyd and the Futility of Victimless Crime Laws

In light of the recent murder of George Floyd, many are demanding accountability; but it’s hard to get accountability when the government holds monopoly power and violent mobs riot on the streets of our nation. “We need to dissolve monopoly power,” says host David Gornoski. “We need to look at ourselves and ask: ‘Why am […]

The Importance of Consistent Nonviolence in Society

Once you allow the collective to use violence against a single nonviolent act like opium use, you open the moral authority for them to use violence to punish other nonviolent acts…like speech they deem hateful, wages they deem too low, milk that is not pasteurized, lack of health insurance, etc. The moral principle of Jesus-imitating […]

A two step vision for Christian-based law

My argument for Christian based law system is two step: 1. Only moral use for prison is violent theft, fraud, child abuse (includes selling minors drugs btw), assault, rape, murder or attempts thereof. All other acts are nonviolent and should be dealt with a whole of host of nonviolent and creative social solutions and actions. […]

A Neighbor’s Choice Ep. 4: What is Violence?

What is violence? In a world where speech purity codes increasingly obscure and obfuscate violence, David Gornoski defines violence and how a society should prevent it through law. This lays the groundwork for the A Neighbor’s Choice theme of “no violence against nonviolent persons.” Hosted by writer and speaker David Gornoski, A Neighbor’s Choice is […]

A Neighbor’s Choice Ep. 1: Ron Paul Interview

In the first episode of A Neighbor’s Choice radio show, host David Gornoski speaks with former presidential candidate and congressman Ron Paul. Why does the state create religious devotion and violent fervor in its believers? How should Christians think about the state? We talk with Dr. Paul on this and other matters such as voting, […]