
THINGS HIDDEN 94: Christmas Reflections with Gil Bailie, Jason Jones

David Gornoski; filmmaker and activist Jason Jones; and Gil Bailie–the author of several lectures and books including God’s Gamble and a contemporary of Rene Girard–explore the meaning of Christmas, particularly in the world of anthropology. Why were the ancients fascinated with stars? Why did God choose a miraculous virgin birth as Christ’s entrance into the […]

THINGS HIDDEN 93: Exploring Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory with Johnathan Bi

David Gornoski sits down with Johnathan Bi for a conversation on Johnathan’s introduction to the work of Rene Girard, Girard’s eschatological views, mimesis in the workplace, how Girard proposes we withdraw from conflict arising from mimetic desire, how the Left-Right dialectic plays out as mimetic doubling in our current culture, how Christ unleashes the personhood […]

THINGS HIDDEN 74: Battling to the End V

David Gornoski and Craig Stewart explore chapter 4 of Rene Girard’s last book Battling to the End. Are proponents of gender transitions for children selectively borrowing from Christian aesthetics? Are conservatives reacting to Leftist talking points in a “Christian” way? How should Christians engage within the culture wars? Is there a way to empathize with […]

THINGS HIDDEN 73: Battling to the End IV

David Gornoski and Craig Stewart resume their study of Rene Girard’s Battling to the End. David and Craig get into chapter 4 and discuss the modern paradox of being the most yet least violent time in history, the anthropological meaning of the Eucharist, the secular co-opting of Christianity, the divinity of violence vs. the divinity […]

David Gornoski on the Deactivist Podcast – Mimetic Culture and Libertarianism

David Gornoski recently appeared on The Deactivist Podcast. Here is the episode description: “David Gornoski is your neighbor – as well as an entrepreneur, speaker and writer. He runs A Neighbor’s Choice, which seeks to introduce Jesus’ culture of nonviolence to both Christians and the broader public. A Neighbor’s Choice is also the name of […]

THINGS HIDDEN 67: Jean-Michel Oughourlian on Psycho-Politics

David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell sit down with Dr. Jean-Michel Oughourlian, the co-author of Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World. The conversation touches on the Ukraine war; the opposing values of the West and Russia; the election in France; the problem of immigration and culture; the World Economic Forum; the romantic lie of […]

THINGS HIDDEN 55: The Third Temptation

In this edition of THINGS HIDDEN, David Gornoski sits down with Michael Gibson, venture capitalist and co-founder of the 1517 Fund. Is the cultural conflict in America a battle between Christian sects? What are conservatives getting wrong in their reaction against the Left? What does the Gospel reveal about human power? How has the Gospel […]

THINGS HIDDEN 54: Rene Girard and the Resurrection of Jesus

In this special Easter edition of THINGS HIDDEN, David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell have a fascinating conversation on the resurrection of Christ. Why would God choose women as witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection? How did Rene Girard make his case for the resurrection of Christ? Did Jesus make it possible for Elephant Man to get an […]

How America Can Defeat Putin

“If it is given at all to the West to struggle out of these tangles of the lower slopes to the spiritual summit of humanity then I cannot but think it is the special mission of America to fulfil this hope of God and man. You are the country of expectation, desiring something else than […]

January 6 Pipebomb Revelation

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] Has Jordan Peterson caved in to the establishment with his latest remarks on the truckers’ protest? Is the GiveSendGo hacker “independent” as legacy media claims? Has the Hispanic community in Florida changed their minds on the Democratic Party? Is science connected to sacrificial rituals? […]