
Chivalry, Red Pill, and Childlike Wonder

David Gornoski sits down with Jordan Landfear and Surit Dasgupta, and the three talk briefly about Surit’s latest essay. The conversation then heads toward the crisis of masculinity in modern society; how Jesus changed intergender relations; how chivalry has evolved; the pros and cons of the manosphere; and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 145: Jesus, Masculinity & Innovation

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta talk about the origin of the red pill; the emergence of internet manosphere; the rise of Andrew Tate; how Jesus redefines and frees masculinity from Satan; how inventions have gone from risky excellence to safe mediocrity; and more.

Christ and Masculinity

Why should the unworthy be considered by the Creator to be worthy recipients of the greatest role model in the history of creation? In our time, it is generally acceptable by all to say that the masculine is an embodiment of a somewhat tame caveman. Men are largely considered to be impulsive, irrelevant, sex-hungry, expendable, […]

Statism Is a Sacrificial Religion

Why does the Biblical narrative end with a marriage supper? Join David Gornoski as he gets into some of the deeper and more existential topics while commenting on the latest stories surrounding the effects of the vaccines; COVID lockdowns; the results of abandoning masculinity and responsibility; old media’s heavy-handed reaction against differing voices; government retardation […]

How Can Family Therapy, Rene Girard Inform Our Society?

How do we build and model our relationships in a Triune way as opposed to the way of scapegoating? Rich Bledsoe, chaplain at Boulder Community Hospital, calls in to answer this pressing question. Bledsoe likens the activity of the Trinity to a network of human beings. “The first corporation in the world,” Bledsoe says, “is […]

Is Loss of Testosterone at the Heart of our Health and Cultural Crises?

Roy Barzilai, independent researcher and author of The Testosterone Hypothesis, joins David Gornoski to explain how the decrease in testosterone has correlated with the current crisis in our health, politics, and culture. Barzilai argues that exposure to solar activity is not only the key to fighting the coronavirus pandemic but also important in tackling the coddling […]