
THINGS HIDDEN 29: Andrew McLuhan on Marshall McLuhan, Rene Girard, and How Media Becomes Us

David Gornoski sits down with Andrew McLuhan, director of the McLuhan Institute and grandson of Marshall McLuhan. The two discuss the overlaps between Marshall McLuhan and Rene Girard; how Marshall McLuhan rose to fame; the relation between technology and language; pandemic mask-wearing as a theatrical gesture; how changes in technology impact desire; and more. How […]

DC’s Scapegoat Ritual Falls Apart, Corey DeAngelis on School Choice

David Gornoski continues his analysis of DC’s scapegoating of Trump and his supporters. Did the Democrats just contradict themselves on the origin of the Capitol storming? “The McWoke media are losing their minds because people like Sen. Hawley aren’t taking their scapegoat ritual seriously.” David also talks about the religiosity of wearing masks as well […]

Christ – The Answer to Dystopia

It would be a mistake to say that we are currently living in good times; more so, it would be downright deceiving. To say that this phase of evolution (if it is okay to term it as such) is somehow “good” is to treat human existence as some kind of trivial sports game, where human […]

How Media Shapes Our Senses

How do we get out of the left-right paradigm? “We flip the narrative,” David Gornoski says as he explains that the answer lies in putting skin in the game and focusing on innovation. James Kourtides calls in to expand on this issue. Kourtides says that the work of Marshall McLuhan is paramount if we are […]

Iain McGilchrist on Pandemics, The Divided Brain, Physics, Morphic Fields, and Rene Girard

David Gornoski talks with renowned neuroscientist Iain McGilchrist on his groundbreaking paradigm of how the left and right hemispheres shape our world, institutions, and culture. Julian Jaynes’s bicameral mind, Rupert Sheldrake’s morphic field hypothesis, Rene Girard’s mimetic theory, and Weiping Yu’s dipolar particle theory are all explored with the premise of McGilchrist’s “The Master and […]