
Science and U: Magnetism and Superconductors

The chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, physicist Dr. Weiping Yu, returns with another brand new segment of Science and U. An MIT study gives us new insights into the origins of the universe. The speed of sound on Mars is strangely different, new discovery says. Join Dr. Yu as he offers his insights […]

Science and U: Oxygen Produced on Mars

Dr. Weiping Yu returns to the show with a brand new segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the muon results that show discrepancies in the standard theory of fundamental particles. “I believe there are no orbiting electrons,” Dr. Yu astonishingly claims. Dr. Yu also comments on the news that MOXIE has produced […]

Science and U: Lifeforms Discovered on ISS

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the discovery of microbes that may help grow crops in space, the discovery of molecules never before seen in space, the existence of black holes, and more. Did lightning play a role in the development of life on Earth? […]

Science and U: Perseverance Lands Safely on Mars

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another brand new segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the latest news that the NASA rover Perseverance has landed on Mars and has begun searching for signs of ancient life. How are the prospects looking for future colonization on Mars? Dr. Yu also comments on a new […]

How Victimism Works

David Gornoski starts the episode by resuming his analysis of the news. He focuses particularly on the alleged sexual assault on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the media’s deafening silence on Jeffrey Epstein’s victims. Is AOC really for hearing the victims’ voices? Did the Capitol storming happen because of Trump’s call for protests? Can conservatives offer anything […]

On Revolutions, George Floyd, and the SpaceX Launch

What is revolution? “When you make revolution-based laws you’ll only get chaos,” says host David Gornoski as he expounds on the circular violent nature of revolutions. “Revolution is the same old, same old. It’s nothing new. What we need today is self-sacrifice.” On the news surrounding the death of George Floyd: “We don’t need dehumanizing […]