
Science and U: New Discoveries Reveal Truth About Electrons

Dr. Weiping Yu comments on the news that physicists have measured the fluid-like flow of electrons in graphene at nanometer resolution. Dr. Yu also comments on the discovery of magnetic fields in the universe’s largest cosmic structures. What do these discoveries tell us about the true nature of electrons, particles, and magnetism? Listen to Science […]

Science and U: Is Physics Too Complicated?

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with more Science and U. The renowned physicist comments on the latest science news such as Japanese scientists discovering a way to regrow teeth; the promise to create a diamond nuclear-powered battery that will last for 28,000 years; physicists discovering a new phase in Bose-Einstein condensate of light particles; and more. […]

Science and U: Light is a Vibrating Medium

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another exciting segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on a clinical trial where Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin are proven helpful in the recovery of COVID-19 patients. Dr. Yu also comments on the latest discovery by scientists that outer space isn’t pitch-black. How is light formed and does it […]