
There Are No Kids in Cages

A new transmission has arrived at A Neighbor’s Choice: “There are no kids in cages,” the state-submitted media declares. Why are we refusing to humble ourselves and submit to the state? Why are we being defiant by promoting liberty and free-thinking? “Perhaps it is our lack of faith in the state that has led us […]

What Will Lockdown Kids Know?

David Gornoski continues his analysis of the news. In this episode, David comments on the ridiculous 14-days COVID isolation imposed on children in Ontario, Canada. Why are some officials not happy that America’s moving towards normalcy? Should we trust the CDC on anything they declare? How can we deal with the state media complex effectively? […]

Blake Boles: Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids To School?

What do we do to make sure that future generations can think for themselves? How can we help teachers bring some creativity to the table? Blake Boles, author of ‘Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids To School?’, says that the answers lie in removing coercion from our education system. The discussion centers around the […]