
Who Lit the Fire in the Minds of Men?

David Gornoski explains how we are forced into mimetic-rivalry by the media and their establishment handlers. How do we escape this divisive culture imposed on us? David argues that we have to voluntarily imitate good role models who exercise self-restraint. “Economic liberty, love of family, and love of culture go hand in hand,” David says, […]

Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks on Steps to Build Trust During Division

David Gornoski continues in showing us how we can unplug ourselves from the matrix of violence. Also, Pastor Corey Brooks of the New Beginnings Church calls in to discuss his six steps for bridging the great divide of America right now. On getting rid of non-violent crime laws and qualified immunity, Pastor Brooks says, “As […]

Dr. Barry Kort on Systems Thinking vs. Rules

Dr. Barry Kort, scientist and MIT engineer, joins David Gornoski to discuss Systems Thinking. Dr. Kort takes us through the development of what is known as Chaos Theory and then describes how laws came to be in ancient civilizations. Rules-based societies often lead to more chaos, says Dr. Kort as he explains how we need […]

David Gornoski on the End of Capitalism, James Kourtides on 21st Century Questions

“It’s cool to hate capitalism because most of us are raised in government schools,” says David Gornoski. How can we have a truly free market when the referee is always paid off to rig the game? We need to get the notion out of our heads that saving money to defer consumption is somehow ‘greed.’ […]

How the Gospel Technology Works

Host David Gornoski explains how we can be freed from the shackles of collectivism by looking to the Biblical story of the woman caught in adultery. He who is without sin may cast the first stone, Jesus told the persecuting mob. The first step is the recognition of our part in societal injustices. Abandoning the […]

How To Exorcize Collectivism

We’re far too often told that we must shrink towards collectivism if we’re to find our identities. Humans have a proclivity to find comfort within a tribe and then assert themselves over those with different identity markers. Is collective warfare the right way to find solutions? David Gornoski says otherwise. “We must realize that many […]

Lawrence Reed: Was Jesus a Socialist?

Lawrence Reed, president of the Foundation for Economic Education, joins David Gornoski to discuss his new book ‘Was Jesus a Socialist?’ Was Jesus against the accumulation of wealth? Weren’t the early Christians expressing socialist principles when they cared for one another? Reed answers in the context of Jesus’ non-violent teachings and also what his disciples […]

Wilfred Reilly on Social Unrest

Kentucky State University’s Wilfred Reilly calls in to discuss the ongoing riots, institutionalized racism, and Christ’s anthropological impact on human history. “There’s nothing noble about a mob. Crowds are not logical,” says Dr. Reilly as he points to how the rioters have destroyed mostly minority businesses. The conversation moves to the question of what motivates […]

The Prisoner

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” ~Fyodor Dostoevsky Before the Gospel revelation, justice consisted of directing the guilt of the entire society against a single victim. It was widely experienced, just as it is today, that shifting the blame onto another is an effective way of postponing […]

Rufus Rochell, Amy Povah Take on the Scapegoat Machine

It’s time to rebuke the satanic system of mirror accusations that is possessing our nation right now. It’s time to set the captives free! Host David Gornoski is joined by Rufus Rochell–prisoner for 32 years for a non-violent drug choice–and founder of CAN-DO clemency Amy Povah; together the three take on the human-sacrificing machine that […]