
Churchliness vs Christ

The security and cosiness of historic, everyday churchliness must be sacrificed to the heroic daring of creativeness. —Nikolai Berdyaev A New York Post article from last year noted that there has been a 78% increase in converts to Orthodox Churches in America. The same article highlights that men have vastly outnumbered women in these conversions. […]

Christ and Masculinity

Why should the unworthy be considered by the Creator to be worthy recipients of the greatest role model in the history of creation? In our time, it is generally acceptable by all to say that the masculine is an embodiment of a somewhat tame caveman. Men are largely considered to be impulsive, irrelevant, sex-hungry, expendable, […]

David’s Final Radio Address, the Path Ahead

What does A Neighbor’s Choice mean? What does Jesus’ attitude toward violence teach us about how to conduct ourselves in the world and how power structures are supposed to operate? Why is there stagnation in the world of science and technology? How do we get back to that creative renaissance that has been missing from […]

The Answer to Social Iatrogenesis

“The medical establishment has become a major threat to health. The disabling impact of professional control over medicine has reached the proportions of an epidemic,” philosopher Ivan Illich writes in the opening passage of his book Medical Nemesis. These words ring true, especially given how much our current world crisis has to do with public […]

Incarnational Truth vs. Gnostic Politics

What do we make of Trump’s latest “trading cards” announcement; is the former President showing the seriousness that the MAGA movement is looking for in these chaotic times? What are some recent examples of incarnational truth that can inspire us to move toward solutions? Why is the objectifying of Jesus the biggest problem with the […]

The Indictment of Bannon, Jason Jones on the New Right

David Gornoski comments on the death of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II and why we should turn our focus to the greatest King of all. What does Steve Bannon’s indictment signify in the grand scheme of history? Joining David Gornoski to look at these topics is filmmaker and activist Jason Jones. Why isn’t the murder of […]

Rising Above the Divide

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] Will America cease to be a democracy in the future? A large number of Democrats and Republicans think so. Why do Americans think that moral values are declining in the country? Has Biden realized that anti-Russian sanctions aren’t working? Listen to the full episode […]

Is Turning the Other Cheek a Valid Option?

Why is Joe Biden always reading scripts in front of a White House set? Is the Biden administration creating an illusion of democracy? Join David Gornoski as he looks at these issues and offers his analysis. David is joined by A Neighbor’s Choice writer John Dasgupta who talks about the tension between China and Taiwan; […]

Increasing Politicization Blocks Prosperity

The episode opens with David Gornoski commenting on the FDA’s failure to regulate nutrition and medicine in America. David also comments on the recent study by professor Bruce German that shows the importance of milk consumption through breastfeeding. How can we fix the microbiome deficiency that comes from the industrialized medicine of today? Is there […]

Lay It at the Cross

Should we remain afraid and paralyzed when faced with the ever-growing tentacles of cancel culture? “Take that dark energy pushed on us by the corporate media and throw it at the feet of the cross.” Listen to the full episode as David Gornoski performs a live exorcism on a society held captive by groupthink while […]