
Finding Joy Through the Lord’s Prayer

We often take our comforts and liberties for granted, David Gornoski says as he begins the show with an urge to stand up for our liberties before they are taken away. How can the Lord’s Prayer help us see clearly in this time of confusion? How do we find joy in times of pain and […]

The Collapse of Media Mythmaking

In this episode, James Kourtides of the Rooster’s Crow podcast calls in to talk about the negligence of early pandemic treatment, the totalitarian capture of public discourse, the supply chain crisis, and more. Also in the show, David is joined by John Dasgupta, A Neighbor’s Choice writer, for an in-depth discussion on public school indoctrination, […]

Ivan Illich’s Critique of Modern Healthcare

In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by John Dasgupta, a writer for A Neighbor’s Choice, and the two discuss the state-hijacking of health institutions worldwide. David and John also talk about how the Gospel accounts gave rise to the universal concern for victims of violence; how this concern for victim is twisted by the […]

The Gospel Defeat of Violent Contagion

How can we possibly choose peace when people around us want to use political coercion and state violence against us? David Gornoski explains why the key to living nonviolently is the imitation of Jesus. How does Christianity transform a culture’s violent history? Is victimism a spinoff of Christianity? What is the best method to break […]

Exposing the Big Tobacco-Style Medical Disinformation

Did Rolling Stone just got caught lying about generic medicine? Why hasn’t Remdesivir encountered the same media attack that we are currently seeing with the Joe Rogan drug? Why aren’t we seeing any real solutions from these statist institutions aside from the top-down coercion of patented drugs? What do the archaeological discoveries related to ancient […]

THINGS HIDDEN 46: Thaddeus Russell on What’s Left with the Left

 For this THINGS HIDDEN conversation, David Gornoski sits down with Thaddeus Russell, historian and host of the Unregistered Podcast. Thaddeus Russell talks about his new book A Renegade History of the United States; the renegade university; the authoritarian trend of modern-day Leftism; the push to mandate experimental drugs; California’s transformation to a Red state; […]

THINGS HIDDEN 45: Prof. Peter Barber on How Jesus Differs from Myth

In this special THINGS HIDDEN conversation, David Gornoski catches up with the author of Jesus and Myth, Professor Peter Barber. Together, they look into the world of religion and myths. Professor Barber talks about his introduction to the work of Rene Girard; how Christ subverts and inverts the pattern of ancient myths; how media plays […]

The Anthropological Victory of Christ

What we’re seeing right now is nothing new but a retreading of twentieth-century coercive policies, David Gornoski says as he begins the show. Join David as he explains the true meaning of mythology and how Christianity deconstructed myths and its ability to legitimize collective violence. How does modern-day government refine the crowd violence of ancient […]

The Origin of the Hospital

While recognizing that the current global crisis is largely steeped in a divorce between medicine and ethics, it is important to step back and look at how the medical profession has evolved in history. What gave healthcare the universal appeal as we know today? Why is it that healthcare is looked at by many to […]

The State is the Religion of the Hidden Corpse

This classic essay was originally published at on July 21, 2016. Have you ever attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony of a new local business? Perhaps you’ve seen the corny shovel groundbreaking ritual of a new building. These events are usually rather innocuous affairs – filled with hopeful mom-and-pop dreamers, nervous glad-handing, cookies and wine and […]