
The Desire to Change Reality With Words

“There’s this desire in our society to change reality with words,” David Gornoski says as he highlights the attempt to make actual violence passé while justifying violence against nonviolent persons. How ridiculous is Disney’s labeling of their own products as offensive? How religious is woke culture? Join David as he takes on Big Tech censorship, […]

Deconstructing the Statist Hive Mind

David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on the media coverage of Joe Biden winning the electoral college. Join David as he comments on the prevailing herd mentality in America that is being dictated by the corporate press, especially when it comes to COVID. “No one can tell you not to travel,” David says while […]

Maj Toure on Liberty and Responsibility

In this classic interview, David Gornoski is joined by Maj Toure of Black Guns Matter. The two discuss government overreach, taxation, leftist hijacking of emotions for statism, gun-control, Kanye West’s musical direction, and more. How do we reform our culture without violence and coercion? Listen to the full episode to find out how love for […]

Keith Weiner on Wall Street and Main Street

Is something that is good for Wall Street antithetical to Main Street? Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals joins David Gornoski to answer this question as well as to address some of the key overlaps between socialist and fascist economics. Can Keynesian economics be aligned with capitalism or does it bear more resemblance to socialism? How […]