
Peter Schiff On The Pandemic Pandemonium

Listen to the podcast below: Investment guru Peter Schiff, the author of ‘The Real Crash: America’s Coming Bankruptcy,’ calls in to talk about the economic disarray caused by the government shutdowns and bailouts. Schiff argues that the government should cut down it’s spending to mitigate the crisis. “If you’re getting benefits but can’t buy anything, […]

Blake Boles: Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids To School?

What do we do to make sure that future generations can think for themselves? How can we help teachers bring some creativity to the table? Blake Boles, author of ‘Why Are You Still Sending Your Kids To School?’, says that the answers lie in removing coercion from our education system. The discussion centers around the […]

How Would Jesus Heal A Pandemic?

David Gornoski contemplates how Jesus would deal with a pandemic and concludes that the key lies in Jesus’ merciful treatment of Peter who had earlier betrayed him. Whereas ancient mythologies empower the mob against a single person, Christ redeems and humanizes the victim of the crowd. It is due to this anthropological revelation that the […]

Jon Miltimore On Socialism And Cuomo’s Nursing Home Policy

FEE managing editor Jon Miltimore joins David Gornoski to discuss Andrew Cuomo’s disastrous nursing home policy and its failure in protecting the elderly from the COVID-19 virus. The conversation starts with the search for a grand narrative and then moves to the question of socialism and the false assumption that Jesus was a socialist. The […]

Unholy Profits

What if Galileo had been asked to spend millions to prove his claim? Host David Gornoski explains how the government’s patenting practices have proved to be an enormous and sinful hurdle in fighting the COVID-19 virus. “But free markets hurt families,” say the naysayers. David Gornoski disagrees. “I see a society that has mutated from […]

Rep. Mike Hill: Government Overreach Is Not The Answer

In this episode of A Neighbor’s Choice, Florida Rep. Mike Hill calls in and argues that instead of panicking and shutting down the economy saner heads should have prevailed. “Government is not the answer, it has created the problem in the first place.” The conversation then moves to Mike Hill’s email interaction with a woman […]

Jeff Deist On The Unemployment Numbers

20.5 million jobs have vanished in the month of April alone! “This is a self-inflicted wound,” says Jeff Deist, “And I don’t mean a shot in the leg, I mean a gutshot.” Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist returns to talk about the staggering unemployment statistics due to the COVID-19 lockdowns and the accompanying economic ramifications. Plus, […]

Peter Quinones on the Rule of the Law

David Gornoski sits down with Peter Quinones, host of the Free Man Beyond the Wall podcast, to tackle some important questions in the light of recent events. Can Americans see past the bipartisan political landscape and regain their appetite for freedom of choice? Peter addresses this question and also discusses the censoring of dissident voices […]

Brett Veinotte: Why Public School Fails

In light of Harvard’s recent claims and the ongoing pandemic, it’s time we had an honest discussion on public schools and homeschooling. Brett Veinotte, host of School Sucks podcast, joins David Gornoski to discuss how public schools have failed to instill a sense of liberty and instead have imposed herd mentality on the children of […]

Jim Bovard: What Happened to Duncan Lemp?

A few days ago, a SWAT team broke into the house of a 21-year-old Marylander and shot him while he was sleeping. Why was he shot and are the police being held accountable for this indiscriminate killing? Investigative journalist and USA Today columnist Jim Bovard returns to the show to talk about about the curious […]