
The Exorcism of a Possessed Market

Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, “These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way […]

How the Gospel Technology Works

Host David Gornoski explains how we can be freed from the shackles of collectivism by looking to the Biblical story of the woman caught in adultery. He who is without sin may cast the first stone, Jesus told the persecuting mob. The first step is the recognition of our part in societal injustices. Abandoning the […]

Justin Murphy, PhD on Jesus, Riot Carnivals, and the Origins of Our Civil Unrest

David Gornoski sits down with Justin Murphy, political scientist and former professor of the University of Southampton; and together the two discuss the reemergence of faith, the meaning of Christ’s love on an anthropological level, the current riots, socio-political turmoil, and Jesus-imitation in a post-Christian culture. Justin Murphy says, “The rioters are–in their own twisted […]

Dr. Norman Horn on Contagious Violence

“We’re seeing the overreaction to the pandemic spilling over to other parts of life,” says Norman Horn, founder of the Libertarian Christian Institute. Dr. Horn goes on to explain how institutional coercion spills onto the streets in the form of riots. “Just because we agree that there are structural problems does not mean that we […]

The Prisoner

“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.” ~Fyodor Dostoevsky Before the Gospel revelation, justice consisted of directing the guilt of the entire society against a single victim. It was widely experienced, just as it is today, that shifting the blame onto another is an effective way of postponing […]

Anthony Brian Logan Responds to Biden’s #YouAintBlack Insult

In this episode, David Gornoski rips into the pseudo-scientific food pyramid promoted by the state. David vigorously argues that due to the government’s quackery we’ve been suffering from a plethora of diseases including this current virus. “Separate state from cure!” Also, conservative commentator Anthony Brian Logan calls in to discuss Joe Biden’s ‘You Ain’t Black’ […]

Patri Friedman on Return of City States, Rene Girard, and Economic Freedom Zones

David Gornoski sits down with economist and venture capitalist Patri Friedman, founder of Pronomos and the Seasteading Institute, for an exploration of liberty and the future of governance in our time. Will we see a return to local city-states and private enterprise zones around the world? Patri says that the Seasteading project, which is very […]

Mark Sunwall: School and Medical Insights from Ivan Illich

David Gornoski examines how the Democrats, in their mimetic obsession over Trump, have revealed the insanity of the whole political enterprise. Plus, economist and anthropologist Mark Sunwall joins the show to talk about Ivan Illich’s Deschooling Society and Good Samaritan analysis for the modern world. Sunwall thinks Illich, especially in his criticism of the education […]

Attorney Morgan Streetman: Russiagate and Flynn Case Unravels

Attorney Morgan Streetman, host of the Morgan Streetman show, joins David Gornoski to give us a law practitioner’s perspective on Russiagate and General Flynn’s case. While David likens the current political drama to a pro-wrestling show, attorney Streetman adds, “But you’ll find the hero and the heel at a bar enjoying a drink, and they […]

The Fatal Power of Politically Correct Speech

  “I want to listen but fifty people have accused this person of being racist, so…” How many of us think this way? What happens when we stop the presumption of innocence for the accused? Something we hardly talk about today is repentance. “We have to call cancel culture to repentance,” says David Gornoski as […]