
Keith Weiner on an Economic Ray of Hope, Tho Bishop on Pence-Harris Debate

Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals calls in to offer his insights on the nation’s debt, inflation, and how gold investment can rescue us from this economic crisis. How is gold the solution for paying off debt? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also, Tho Bishop of Mises Institute joins David to discuss the […]

What is A Neighbor’s Choice?

Can we have a pro-family society without liberty? What is liberty and who gives it to us? Join David Gornoski as he explains how love for freedom can coexist with love for our fellow neighbors? Also, David explains how the Left’s dynamics are eerily similar to that of a cult while highlighting their thirst for […]

Biden vs Trump: Battle of the Scapegoat Stories

David Gornoski resumes his exposition of the election media coverage that has mostly focused on Trump’s taxes but has failed to mention anything about Biden and Harris’ record of warmongering and locking up non-violent offenders. “The 1619 project is nothing but a sleight of hand,” David says as he points to the real problems like […]

Ron Paul Returns, Trump and Biden Prepare for Battle

David Gornoski starts the show by paying tribute to Ron Paul’s ability in uniting people across party lines through sheer integrity and concern for fellow man. “It’s very rare to find a person these days who actually believes in something.” David also comments on how the Democratic party has changed from being anti-authoritarian during the […]

Keith Weiner on Wall Street and Main Street

Is something that is good for Wall Street antithetical to Main Street? Keith Weiner of Monetary Metals joins David Gornoski to answer this question as well as to address some of the key overlaps between socialist and fascist economics. Can Keynesian economics be aligned with capitalism or does it bear more resemblance to socialism? How […]

Gaslight – A Film Analysis

The secret to discovering a well-disguised tyranny is to understand the mind of a serial predator. The 1944 psychological thriller Gaslight, directed by George Cukor, is reminiscent of the Hitchcockian thrillers that were very popular during the war and post-war years, though the move itself is not directed by Hitchcock. It is also perhaps one […]

Dr Yu on Venus Signs of Life, Dark Matter, Jeff Deist on Nashville Officials Withholding COVID Numbers

Science and U is back! Dr. Weiping Yu starts by commenting on the Hubble telescope revealing new aspects of dark matter. What exactly is dark matter? Dr. Yu has a radical and startling explanation. What is ‘space’ and ‘matter?’ Is there a possibility of life on Venus? Listen to the entire episode to find out. […]

Revolution vs Renaissance

“Silence is violence,” is one’s of the trending mottos of our time. Does the McWoke crowd, backing Biden and Kamala Harris, really care about injustices? David Gornoski asks as he points out Biden and Harris’ pro-war and pro-mass incarceration records. Calls for revolution and socialism, David says, are based on the scapegoating principle; it won’t […]

Who is Our Model for Morality?

When politicians cry moral outrage, the question for us should be: What is the moral standard for our country today? The brotherhood of man? Democracy? David argues that you cannot eliminate the rule of tyranny and violence without modeling yourself on Jesus. If we’re to imitate Jesus as the role model for governance, does that […]

Separation of Cure and State, Lou Perez on the Rand Paul Incident

“The vast majority of the public is tired of politics; they want to see solutions,” David Gornoski says as he starts off the show. Governments cannot eradicate disease and malnutrition through central planning, David argues, because they don’t have skin in the game. David also reflects on Nancy Pelosi’s hypocritical visit to a hair salon […]