
A Tale of Two Crowds

David Gornoski returns with a much-needed analysis of Big Tech extending its tentacles and casting an enormous shadow over America by banning President Trump, dissenting voices, and targeting alternative platforms. Was the Capitol fiasco an attempted coup as the corporate media claims? Why didn’t Dorsey and Co. censor Obama and Biden when they were inciting […]

Empire of Envy, the Fall of Myth in the Digital Age

David Gornoski starts this episode by arguing against the enforcement of nanny-state laws to check the vices of citizens. He then moves our attention towards the crumbling empire of envy. How deep is the religiosity among social justice warriors? How has the digital age affected “woke” entertainment? Will the media succeed in changing history with […]

Hunter Biden Email Scandal, Social Media Mass Censorship

David Gornoski starts the show by continuing his analysis of the New York Post Hunter Biden story and the subsequent mass censorship of this story by Big Tech companies like Facebook and Twitter. What are the consequences of Biden’s email leaks and Big Tech censoring any mention of it? How deep does corruption lie in […]

Dr. Robert Epstein Exposes Google Election Interference and Manipulation

Former Editor in Chief of Psychology Today, Dr. Robert Epstein, Harvard PhD, joins us to talk about his stunning work on Google and social media manipulation and election interference. Even the simplest search results, Dr. Epstein claims, can dramatically shift the election in favor of one candidate. “Seventy percent of the YouTube videos people watch […]