
Science and U: Dr Yu’s Final Radio Address

Physicist Dr. Weiping Yu joins David for the final radio segment of Science and U. Dr. Yu comments on magnetoreception in animals, the standard model of particle physics, what’s wrong with quantum mechanics, whether black holes exist, what really are electrons, and more.

Science and U: New Discoveries Reveal Truth About Electrons

Dr. Weiping Yu comments on the news that physicists have measured the fluid-like flow of electrons in graphene at nanometer resolution. Dr. Yu also comments on the discovery of magnetic fields in the universe’s largest cosmic structures. What do these discoveries tell us about the true nature of electrons, particles, and magnetism? Listen to Science […]

Science and U: Magnetism and the Human Brain

Physicist Dr. Weiping Yu comments on the news that physicists have confirmed a hitch in the proton structure. Why do we differentiate between protons, neutrons, and electrons? How does the human brain function? Listen to the full segment to find out.

Science and U: Magnetism and Superconductors

The chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, physicist Dr. Weiping Yu, returns with another brand new segment of Science and U. An MIT study gives us new insights into the origins of the universe. The speed of sound on Mars is strangely different, new discovery says. Join Dr. Yu as he offers his insights […]

Science and U: Oxygen Produced on Mars

Dr. Weiping Yu returns to the show with a brand new segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the muon results that show discrepancies in the standard theory of fundamental particles. “I believe there are no orbiting electrons,” Dr. Yu astonishingly claims. Dr. Yu also comments on the news that MOXIE has produced […]

Science and U: New Kind of Electrons

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another segment of Science and U. The physicist starts the segment by commenting on the development of a new lightweight molecule-based magnet that exhibits unprecedented magnetic properties. “This is a confirmation,” Dr. Yu says, “every single elements–atoms and molecules–have magnetic properties.” Dr. Yu also comments on the news that scientists […]

Science and U: A Better Way Towards Nuclear Fusion

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another mythbusting segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on some of the latest news in the world of science–news such as the development of a spherical tokamak reactor. Can this experimental nuclear reactor move fusion forward? “We’re heading in the wrong direction,” Dr. Yu says, “this kind […]

Science and U: Brian Greene Interview

In this classic episode from February 27, 2020, theoretical physicist Brian Greene, author of ‘Until the End of Time,’ joins David Gornoski and Dr. Weiping Yu. David starts off the episode by briefly reflecting on the trial of Julian Assange. Is string theory the solution to better grasp the universe? Are we really designed for […]

Science and U: Are We Living in a Simulation?

Dr. Weiping Yu is back with another segment of Science and U. On the claim that there is a fifty percent chance we’re living in a simulation, Dr. Yu remarks says, “there is a fundamental problem in quantum physics” and this is why such claims arise. What can better explain our universe if not quantum […]