
Americans Don’t Want a War With Russia in Ukraine

David Gornoski starts the episode with an emphasis on the monolithic ideology that has captured the upper echelons of the state. Who are the most vulnerable people according to Kamala Harris and who are omitted from her designated group? Is the FDA speaking independently on their stance on drug mandates? Listen to the full episode […]

The Ukraine Crisis

What happens when maturation is discouraged in favor of consumption? Join David Gornoski as he starts the show with a call for creativity instead of scapegoating. To drive this point home, David revisits the story of Monica Paulus and the persecution she had to endure. David is joined by Col. Douglas Macgregor who comments on […]

Col. Douglas Macgregor Tackles McWoke Military

David Gornoski starts the episode by reflecting on the mindset of Trump supporters right now. Are we seeing a mass disillusionment among the conservative movement? Join David as he gets to the bottom of this question. Also in the show, Col. Douglas Macgregor calls in to talk about Wokeness ideology spreading into the military and […]

Col. Macgregor Responds to Axios Story, Sir Owen on Pentagon Secrecy

In this episode, Col. Douglas Macgregor joins David Gornoski to comment on the Axios news story that speaks about Trump’s daring proposal to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and even Germany. Why was this proposal blocked by the status quo in DC? Why did Trump back down in the face of pressure? Also […]

Col. Douglas Macgregor on Russia Conflict

David Gornoski is joined by Col. Douglas Macgregor for an intriguing discussion on the Biden administration’s hardline stance against Russia over the Ukraine dispute. Why has the Biden administration threatened military action over Ukraine? What would be the most logical alternative to military action? What is going on behind the scenes with the proposed withdrawal […]