
NT Wright on Caesar and Christ, the Pandemic, and Social Justice

  Esteemed New Testament scholar and Anglican bishop NT Wright joins David Gornoski to discuss the pandemic and Christ’s role in shaping governance and justice. The iconic theologian puts the pandemic into perspective from what Paul wrote in his letter to the Romans, especially chapter 8 of that letter. Doctor Wright points to how the […]

Scott Horton on the NY Times Story on Afghanistan Russian Bounties

Scott Horton of returns to the show to comment on the NY Times story of alleged Russian bounties in Afghanistan. Who are these anonymous intelligence sources which the media cite? Horton asks. Is there any servicemen deaths attributed to these bounties? Horton also points to the fact that the American government has been paying […]

Curtis Ellis on Wall Street, China’s Impact on Middle Class

Is economic freedom intrinsically opposed to love for the common good? The point of Jesus’ entire life story, David Gornoski argues, is that He refuses to employ top-down control as a shortcut to heaven. Joining the show, in this episode, is Curtis Ellis of America First Policies. The former Trump campaign advisor highlights how shutting […]

Angela Stanton King on Breakfast Club, Her Congressional Run, Rufus Rochell on Criminal Justice Reform

Angela Stanton-King, the Founder and President of American King Foundation, joins David Gornoski to discuss her interview on the Breakfast Club. “It’s hypocritical to want others to value our lives when we don’t even value our own offspring,” Angela says as she points to how the Democratic party’s abortion agenda destroys black families. The Republican […]

David Gornoski on the Religiosity of the ‘Woke’ Movement

“Because we have Christian storytelling in our roots, we have to posture as dying, persecuted victims in our attempts to take power away from someone.” David Gornoski explains how the social justice movement has hijacked the Christian aesthetic of defending victims from violent mobs; he urges us to reject the mirroring of the mob and […]

James Dale Davidson of The Sovereign Individual Returns, David Gornoski on the Irrationality of Political Solutions

How did we go from being the nation of great manufacturers to the land of Walmarts? Investing legend and author of The Sovereign Individual, James Dale Davidson, returns to the show to answer this question and discuss how socialist governments hinder innovative entrepreneurship. Also, David Gornoski comments on the racial-tension narrative that is being pushed […]

Marriese Jones on Restoring Fatherhood During Social Division

Something that’s considered to be taboo by the media today is the destruction of families. Marriese Jones joins David Gornoski to discuss fatherhood and how restoring families can heal our nation. Jones also talks about his ministry work in prisons and how community building from the ground up, and not top-down coercion, is the path […]

Dr. Weiping Yu on Dark-Matter ‘Holy Grail’, Neutrinos, Plus Jeff Deist on MMT

On Science and U, Dr. Weiping Yu discusses the news of an Italian lab’s dark-matter experiment and the discovery of a new particle. Why are the laws of physics unable to explain this phenomenon? Dr. Yu questions whilst arguing that this new particle may not be ‘new’ in the strictest sense. The physicist also comments […]

Eric Garris on the Antiwar Movement, Chad Marks Returns Home

Americans don’t realize how much of our political system is tied to war profiteering, says Eric Garris, and whenever our government doesn’t like anything that another country does, we starve their people by imposing sanctions. The founder of also comments on the latest indictments on Julian Assange. Should Assange be punished for revealing the truth about […]

TK Coleman: Race Relations, Justice, and the Market

TK Coleman, Director of Entrepreneurial Education at FEE and Co-Founder of Praxis, joins the show to discuss how he reconciles free-market economics with his faith. “Freedom has always seemed scary,” Coleman says, “Whenever you talk about freedom you always strike a nerve on our desire to control other people.” Is there a threat of governments […]