
The Media as “Team Biden Rapid Response,” Hunter Biden Emails

David Gornoski resumes his commentary on the media’s one-sided coverage of the 2020 presidential election. David expands on Mike Cernovich’s tweet that “the entire media establishment is Team Biden rapid response.” Join David Gornoski as he comments on the New York Post story surrounding Hunter Biden’s emails, Biden and Co’s horrendous foreign policy record, Big […]

The Stone the Builders Rejected

In our current state of restlessness, we need to remind ourselves that beyond the politicians in DC and the bosses of giant corporations the Master of history is deconstructing coercion and violence. “My power is made perfect in weakness,” Jesus said. The “new world order” falls apart just like the tower of Babel. What did […]

Veterans Radio: Nineteen Years of War in Afghanistan

David Gornoski comments on President Trump’s Sanford rally, the WHO’s remarks on global COVID lockdowns, the NBA’s declining viewership, and the TV media’s fear complex. Plus, Sgt. Dan McKnight of Bring Our Troops Home returns with another segment of Veterans Radio to discuss the nineteenth anniversary of the start of the Afghanistan war. McKnight reflects […]

What is the Basis of the Law?

David Gornoski starts off the show by commenting on the latest news surrounding the Supreme Court and Amy Coney Barrett. Is the Supreme Court supposed to deal with matters such as marriage, abortion, and private property? What is the originalist interpretation of the American constitution? It’s not what the conservative ink claims it to be, […]

Pence-Harris Debate Preview, Tough on Crime Confusion

David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on the news that a plexiglass barrier will be installed at the Pence-Harris debate. “This is a clown show,” David says as he highlights the fear-mongering at play in the political theater. David also comments on the Russiagate revelations. “If there is no accountability for these actions…,” he […]

What is A Neighbor’s Choice?

Can we have a pro-family society without liberty? What is liberty and who gives it to us? Join David Gornoski as he explains how love for freedom can coexist with love for our fellow neighbors? Also, David explains how the Left’s dynamics are eerily similar to that of a cult while highlighting their thirst for […]

The Media Revolution

David Gornoski starts off the show by commenting on Trump’s remarks about his recovery from COVID and the media reaction to his interaction with supporters. “Trump cares too much about the media,” David says. “The corporate press are the PR firms for the establishment.” One does not need to agree with Donald Trump to see […]

The Revolt Against Differentiation and the Normalization of Violence

David Gornoski addresses the prevalent postmodern critique of traditional values such as the family, gender roles, and chivalry. “It’s a rebellion against nature, against boundaries. Differentiation becomes evil and violence becomes passé.” David argues that political correctness is not just an “idea” but also a religious movement that has, in some sense, rightly identified social […]

Trail Thoughts: Viewing Our Lives as Stories

David Gornoski comments on the news that President Donald Trump and his wife has tested positive for the COVID virus. Also in the show, Alec Klein and Eric Kampmann return to the show with another segment of Trail Thoughts. Eric talks about his hiking experiences and the important lessons he has derived from them. Alec […]

Media Tries Its Best to Control You

Why are the masses falling prey to a media that acts as the establishment’s PR front? David Gornoski argues that the problem exists because of the void that is intended to be filled by non-violent, innovative role models who can revolutionize science, technology, and other spheres without the need for coercion. How do we foster […]