
Joel Salatin on the 21st Century Farming Renaissance, Feeding the World, Ancestral Health

In this exciting interview, David Gornoski sits down with Christian, Libertarian, environmentalist, capitalist, lunatic farmer, Joel Salatin. Joel Salatin talks about how he started Polyface farms; why the appeal of farming has declined; what the American experiment really stood for; the institutional scapegoating of red meat; government retardation of medicine and nutrition; regenerative farming; and […]

Statism Is a Sacrificial Religion

Why does the Biblical narrative end with a marriage supper? Join David Gornoski as he gets into some of the deeper and more existential topics while commenting on the latest stories surrounding the effects of the vaccines; COVID lockdowns; the results of abandoning masculinity and responsibility; old media’s heavy-handed reaction against differing voices; government retardation […]

Big Tech Hates Scientific Inquiry

David Gornoski starts the show by reading and commenting on Matt Taibbi’s article on why Ivermectin has “become a dirty word.” Why are YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter so adamant in their stifling of scientific discussion? Who is responsible for the biggest transfer of wealth that happened last year? Why is the Wuhan Institute of Virology […]

Prince Asfa-Wossen Asserate Interview on Ethiopian History with Shannon Braswell, David Gornoski

Shannon Braswell of and David Gornoski, host of A Neighbor’s Choice, are joined by HH Prince Asfa-Wossen Asserate of Ethiopia, writer of “King of Kings”–the biography of Haile Selassie. The three discuss the enigmatic Aksumite Empire and its journey into the twentieth century, Ethiopia’s confrontation with colonialism, the African identity, Emperor Manelek’s fight against […]

End Gray Privilege

David Gornoski returns from attending the Faith and Freedom Coalition conference where Mike Pence spoke and gives us a detailed analysis of the takeaways from the gathering. David also announces the start of what could be the biggest movement of our time, the start of the campaign to end gray privilege. It’s time to #believeallhumans. […]

Dissecting the Media’s “Consensus of Reality”

The Mises Institute’s Tho Bishop returns to the show to comment on the FBI’s role in the January 6 Capitol storming; how Big Tech coordinates with Statists in censoring information; the American population’s acceptance of big government tyranny; the media’s refusal to be truthful for fear of giving credibility to Trump; why hydroxychloroquine was attacked […]

Science and U: Can Human Bodies Become Magnetically Attractive?

Dr. Weiping Yu, our chief science advisor, returns to the show with another refreshing Science and U segment. Join the renowned physicist as he comments on the magnetic phenomenon that has manifested on those receiving vaccines and also the claim that a lunar particle collider could unlock the greatest mysteries in physics.

The Data on Ivermectin Deserve Our Attention

Will Dr. Fauci face any consequences for his role in the Wuhan lab leak and his initial attempts at shutting down those who wanted the truth? Join David Gornoski as he discusses the latest stories coming in such as the news on treatments using Ivermectin against COVID while highlighting why we must rid ourselves of […]

Weinstein Gets Censored for Big Pharma

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on YouTube’s censoring of Bret Weinstein’s podcast for the crime of discussing the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as well as the Ivermectin treatment against COVID-19. Why is public discussion on Ivermectin discouraged and censored by Big Tech? What does this censoring reveal about our pharmaceutical industry? Can the United […]

Questions Surrounding Capitol Riot Origin

Biden looks just like the state of globalism, David Gornoski says as he begins the episode. Is America back as the corporate media is claiming or are we just seeing the return of twentieth-century globalism? Join David Gornoski as he reflects on this question while also commenting on the government’s role in the January 6 […]