
The Censoring of Bret Weinstein

David Gornoski opens the show by commenting on Ivory Hecker’s report on Dr. Joseph Varon’s success rate in treating COVID. What is Dr. Varon doing differently and why hasn’t the corporate press reported it? David also comments on the YouTube censoring of Bret Weinstein over the discussion of vaccines. Should we pay attention to Weinstein’s […]

Is Critical Race Theory Anti-White Racism?

Is Critical Race Theory anti-white racism? Now that the Pentagon has released its UFO report, why are we still refusing to talk about gray privilege? Join David Gornoski as he gets to the bottom of these questions while commenting on the latest news such as the latest developments related to the criminal allegations brought against […]

Questions on McAfee Death

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on the death of John McAfee and what McAfee’s widow thinks about the allegations of suicide. David also comments on the release of the Pentagon UFO reports. Plus, nutritional researcher Tucker Goodrich returns to the show to comment on a new study that shows a correlation between high-fat […]

YouTube Once Again Reveals It Is Anti-Science

 YouTube has once again showcased its corporatist anti-science position by censoring David Gornoski. Join David as he recounts what happened with one of his recent interview videos and how we can keep following his work. The host of A Neighbor’s Choice also comments on the news of criminal allegations leveled against the Trump Organization; […]

Peak Prosperity’s Chris Martenson, David Gornoski on Lessons from Viral Hubris, Fauci’s Failure

David Gornoski is joined by Dr. Chris Martenson, the host of Peak Prosperity. David and Chris Martenson talk about a variety of topics that expose enormous holes in the mainstream media’s narrative of the pandemic. Why did virologists initially claim that COVID came from nature? Is Fauci being thrown under the bus as a scapegoat? […]

The Fed Doesn’t Know What It’s Doing

Tho Bishop of the Mises Institute joins the show to discuss the current state of our twisted monetary system. As inflation looms over us, does the Fed know what it is doing? Is the Fed taking marching orders from Klaus Schwab? Who is this financial system weaponized for and how do we escape it? Why […]

Science and U: Do Antibiotics Have Special Magnetic Properties?

Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, returns with more Science and U. The physicist comments on the latest science news such as a new study claiming that the Earth tipped over on its side 84 million years ago and then righted itself; the discovery that Herbivore gut fungi produce unique […]

The State Priesthood Continues to Divide America

David Gornoski starts the episode by highlighting how the statist crackdown on conservatives, illustrated by the recent news involving Rudy Giuliani, continues under the Biden administration. Has government-sponsored nutrition played a big part in COVID-19 mortalities? Do patients with prior infection records benefit from vaccination? Why hasn’t the corporate media brought this question up? Why […]

Where Is the Left?

David Gornoski reads Geert Vanden Bossche’s article on “why the ongoing mass vaccination experiment drives a rapid evolutionary response of SARS-CoV-2.” Join David as he gives us what the arrogant and scientifically illiterate fact-checkers of Big Tech don’t want you to know. What happened to the Left and their criticism of corporations? What happened to […]

Mass Vaccination Campaigns Are Doomed to Fail

The WHO now advises against the vaccination of children, David Gornoski reports as he starts the show. Does veganism kill fewer animals or does it kill more than the vegans realize? What are some of the globalist-sponsored myths relating to agriculture that can be disproven? Are the current vaccines sufficient to deal with future variants? […]