
Anti-Vaxxers in the Government

What happened to the Biden administration’s anti-vax conspiracy theories that were prevalent during Trump’s presidency? It looks like the political status quo’s stances and rhetoric change with the wind. Join David Gornoski as he exposes the opportunistic politics of those who are in power right now. Listen to the full episode for all this and […]

Why All Good Social Justice Warriors Support Presumption of Innocence

This classic essay was originally published at Intellectual Takeout on October 11, 2018. I have a friend in Papua New Guinea named Monica Paulus who was accused of casting sorcery spells because a person died in her village. Her neighbors almost murdered her until she fled the region. Now she works to save other women falsely accused […]

The Censorship Alliance of the State and Big Tech

What do we make of the Pope’s declaration on the Latin mass? Was General Mark Milley motivated by white rage when he undermined Trump’s orders to end the Afghanistan war? Also in this episode, David Gornoski is joined by geopolitical analyst Sir Owen Whitman who calls in to talk about the White House and Big […]

Overcoming the Catechism of the State

David Gornoski opens the show with a devastating critique of the Biden administration for their outdated, authoritarian ways. “Biden should repent,” David says, “and he has a lot to repent for.” Join David Gornoski as he comments on Jen Psaki’s remarks that reveal the government coordinating with Big Tech in censoring dissenting voices in America. […]

Orthodontist Mike Mew on How to Prevent Crooked Teeth, Fix Breathing Issues

David Gornoski is joined by orthodontist Dr. Mike Mew. Why are faces not growing correctly in modern societies? What are the primary environmental issues that are affecting our facial structure? How can we properly restructure our faces? “Everything I’m saying,” Dr. Mew says, “can be broken down into ‘stand up straight and shut your mouth.’” […]

Should We Ban Critical Race Theory?

The Mises Institute‘s Jeff Deist returns to the show and the renowned economist comments on how the state has engineered inflation that is growing more and more. Jeff Deist also highlights why, in light of Critical Race Theory influencing our education system, we must pull our kids out from public schools. Is banning CRT the […]

Science and U: Brain Waves to Computer Text

The chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, Dr. Weiping Yu, returns with a brand new segment of Science and U. A paralyzed man’s brain waves have been turned into sentences by a computer! This news sparks a conversation between David and Dr. Yu on whether a person’s mimetic relationships are based in the world […]

Battling an Outdated Horse and Buggy Administration

David Gornoski starts the show with an analysis of Big Tech and the corporate press’ scapegoating of Trump supporters and other progressive dissenters. David also proposes “Jubilee” zones as an antidote to the state’s crippling overreach and tribalism. What does the state’s alliance with Big Tech in censoring online dissent reveal about the establishment? Is […]

The Proper Reaction Towards Critical Race Theory

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on Germany’s attack on Big Tech censorship; Big Tech’s rewriting of history; what conservatives are missing in their reaction towards CRT being taught in public schools; and more. Also in the show, nutritional researcher Tucker Goodrich calls in to talk about the manipulation of statistics that takes place […]

The Voice of Abel Defeats the Media Machine

Do we need to conform to what the TV experts say and decide for us? What about the victims of these designated experts? “The voices of the victims will overcome the fragile mythmaking of our times,” David Gornoski says as he highlights the voices who are being shut down by a big pharma supporting media. […]