
Statism Is a Sacrificial Religion

Why does the Biblical narrative end with a marriage supper? Join David Gornoski as he gets into some of the deeper and more existential topics while commenting on the latest stories surrounding the effects of the vaccines; COVID lockdowns; the results of abandoning masculinity and responsibility; old media’s heavy-handed reaction against differing voices; government retardation […]

Big Tech Hates Scientific Inquiry

David Gornoski starts the show by reading and commenting on Matt Taibbi’s article on why Ivermectin has “become a dirty word.” Why are YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter so adamant in their stifling of scientific discussion? Who is responsible for the biggest transfer of wealth that happened last year? Why is the Wuhan Institute of Virology […]

The Data on Ivermectin Deserve Our Attention

Will Dr. Fauci face any consequences for his role in the Wuhan lab leak and his initial attempts at shutting down those who wanted the truth? Join David Gornoski as he discusses the latest stories coming in such as the news on treatments using Ivermectin against COVID while highlighting why we must rid ourselves of […]

Weinstein Gets Censored for Big Pharma

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on YouTube’s censoring of Bret Weinstein’s podcast for the crime of discussing the Wuhan lab-leak hypothesis as well as the Ivermectin treatment against COVID-19. Why is public discussion on Ivermectin discouraged and censored by Big Tech? What does this censoring reveal about our pharmaceutical industry? Can the United […]

Questions Surrounding Capitol Riot Origin

Biden looks just like the state of globalism, David Gornoski says as he begins the episode. Is America back as the corporate media is claiming or are we just seeing the return of twentieth-century globalism? Join David Gornoski as he reflects on this question while also commenting on the government’s role in the January 6 […]

THINGS HIDDEN 36: Curtis Yarvin (Mencius Moldbug) on Reforming Virology, Lab Leaks, Dr. Fauci

THINGS HIDDEN! David Gornoski talks with Curtis Yarvin (aka Mencius Moldbug), creator of the blog Gray Mirror. Can it be argued that the possible Wuhan lab leak is similar to the Chernobyl incident? Is there any accountability in the field of virology? Are modern-day science institutions fixable? Join David Gornoski and Curtis Yarvin as they […]

Escaping the Dialectic

David Gornoski comments on the latest news stories surrounding Fauci such as his upcoming book and the revelations from his emails that have been released as part of a Freedom of Information Act request. What has Israel discovered about Pfizer? How does political correctness imitate Christianity in its universality and inclusiveness? Is fish oil safe […]

Mimesis and Epistemology, Mob Turns on Fauci

David Gornoski starts the episode by highlighting how groupthink has pervaded the world of science and media and why we must break this herd mentality by thinking out of the box. Now that the public is demanding some accountability regarding Fauci, are we falling back onto scapegoating? How do we challenge the overreliance of our […]

Why The Culture Has An Appetite for Sacrificial Violence w/ Peter Quinones

David Gornoski recently appeared on Peter Quinones’ podcast, Free Man Beyond the Wall. David and Peter talked about Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory, the sacrificial origins of the State, and our culture’s appetite for sacrificial violence. Listen to the podcast or watch the entire interview above.

COVID Origins Further Explored

David Gornoski starts the episode by commenting on the “explosive” new study that says COVID was made in the Wuhan lab. Will it be possible for Fauci to defend the NIH after information pointing to the gain-of-function research at Wuhan continues to mount? Is Joe Biden the hero that the media say he is or […]