
THINGS HIDDEN 189: What Is the Cornerstone Effect?

What do the cornerstone passages in the Bible refer to? In this THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski shows us how Jesus is the cornerstone of history, how the aura of the scapegoat attracts us today, how the new order of Christ manifests around us, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 188: Why Envy Motivates Political Discourse

In this THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski addresses the elephant in the room when it comes to online political discourse, i.e. mimetic envy. Why are we always presented with false choices from popular influencers? Why are influencers always bragging about their follower counts? Listen to the whole show to find out.

THINGS HIDDEN 187: What is Gospel Technology?

In this THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski explains the term “Gospel Technology” while describing the various ways it is being used today. What is mythology and why do the Gospels invert them? Is it possible for us to revert to ancient mythological standards? How are humans today making use of Gospel Technology?

THINGS HIDDEN 186: The Triumph of Christ over Gnostic Ideology and Islam

David Gornoski is joined by Q of Mimetic Value for a fascinating conversation on how the revelation of Christ teaches the true nature of desire, why Islam is a retreat back to ideology, how the trajectory of history proves Christianity, how Christ sets the terms for all modern-day conflicts, how Jesus predicted the undifferentiation in […]

THINGS HIDDEN 185: What is Christ Hauntedness?

In this THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski explains how Christ’s sacrifice has infected the world and why we can’t go back to old ways of creating order any more. Are we getting closer to Christ’s anthropology or further from it? Do we have the same appetite for violence today as humans used to have a […]

THINGS HIDDEN 184: What Is Structural Violence?

In this THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski explains the meaning of the term “structural violence” and why we cannot deny its existence any longer. Why do we see such societal chaos around us today? Why aren’t coercive laws working the way they had in the past? What can we do to get out of this […]

A Young Man Journeys into the Ukraine War and Finds God

David Gornoski is joined by Ryan Miller, author of the book The Volunteers’ War, for a conversation on Ryan’s experience as a humanitarian worker in Ukraine and how he had a miraculous encounter with Christianity. Buy The Volunteers’ War here. Email Ryan Miller.

THINGS HIDDEN 183: What Does Pseudo-Gnosticism Mean?

In this THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski explains why he uses the term “pseudo-gnosticism” to explain the inherently contradicting dualism that is found throughout the ideological narratives of the Western world. What are some of the alarming manisfestations of pseudo-gnosticism? Listen to the full podcast to find out.

Lord Conrad Black on Christ, Caesar, and History

David Gornoski sits down with Lord Conrad Black, author of The Political and Strategic History of the World, for a conversation on the nature of historical progress, the uniqueness of Hebrew culture, how Christ changed history as a vocation, the 1619 project, and more. Buy The Political and Strategic History of the World here.

Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on Rene Girard and Lockdown Religion

In this special THINGS HIDDEN/The Science episode, David Gornoski sits down with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya for a conversation on why the lockdowns failed, meeting René Girard, scapegoating in the scientific community, the religious motivation behind the pandemic restrictions, the strange paradox of medicine, how we can escape scapegoating, science divorced from love, and more. Follow […]