
Finding Joy Through the Lord’s Prayer

We often take our comforts and liberties for granted, David Gornoski says as he begins the show with an urge to stand up for our liberties before they are taken away. How can the Lord’s Prayer help us see clearly in this time of confusion? How do we find joy in times of pain and […]

David Gornoski on His YouTube Ban and Today’s Scapegoats – The Bob Murphy Show

David Gornoski recently appeared on the Bob Murphy Show. “Host of A Neighbor’s Choice radio program, David Gornoski talks about the recent removal of his YouTube channel. He summarizes the work of Rene Girard and shows how society still tries to use scapegoats to relieve tensions, even after Jesus showed us its futility.”

How Art Challenges Us, Solving Problems Neighbor to Neighbor

David Gornoski comments on further developments on Ron DeSantis’ war on drug mandates, how art challenges our preconceived notions, the DOJ’s remarks on religious exemptions to drug mandates, the failure of coercion, and more. Also in the show, John Dasgupta calls in to talk about the failure of the collectivist approach of politics, a person-to-person […]

The Collapse of Media Mythmaking

In this episode, James Kourtides of the Rooster’s Crow podcast calls in to talk about the negligence of early pandemic treatment, the totalitarian capture of public discourse, the supply chain crisis, and more. Also in the show, David is joined by John Dasgupta, A Neighbor’s Choice writer, for an in-depth discussion on public school indoctrination, […]

Lockdown and Liberty Down Under

David Gornoski is joined by Randall Evans who calls in from Australia to give us a breakdown of what’s going on down under, especially with regards to the lockdown tyranny. With all the allegations of corruption, are politicians in Australia finally changing their stances on the lockdowns? Were the heavy-handed restrictions effective? What similarities do […]

Is Turning the Other Cheek a Valid Option?

Why is Joe Biden always reading scripts in front of a White House set? Is the Biden administration creating an illusion of democracy? Join David Gornoski as he looks at these issues and offers his analysis. David is joined by A Neighbor’s Choice writer John Dasgupta who talks about the tension between China and Taiwan; […]

Ivan Illich’s Critique of Modern Healthcare

In this episode, David Gornoski is joined by John Dasgupta, a writer for A Neighbor’s Choice, and the two discuss the state-hijacking of health institutions worldwide. David and John also talk about how the Gospel accounts gave rise to the universal concern for victims of violence; how this concern for victim is twisted by the […]

The Importance of Feeling Empathy

What does it mean when the Bible says “God is love?” Are we islands unto ourselves or are we rooted in a transcendental source of community? Join David Gornoski as he reflects on these questions while also commenting on the need for empathy whilst navigating through the hate-filled news cycle of our time. Is unconditional […]

Tucker Goodrich on Good and Bad Fats, Intermittent Fasting

Is there room for self-defense in Jesus’ worldview of nonviolence? In this episode, David Gornoski explains the true meaning of Habeas Corpus and why the West must revive this concept to survive. Plus, Tucker Goodrich joins the show to talk about whether butter and cheese can prevent heart attacks; good and bad fats; intermittent fasting; […]

The Gospel Defeat of Violent Contagion

How can we possibly choose peace when people around us want to use political coercion and state violence against us? David Gornoski explains why the key to living nonviolently is the imitation of Jesus. How does Christianity transform a culture’s violent history? Is victimism a spinoff of Christianity? What is the best method to break […]