
THINGS HIDDEN 88: The Offense of the Cross with Paul Axton

Dr. Paul Axton, host of the Forging Ploughshares podcast, joins David Gornoski for this THINGS HIDDEN episode. The two talk about how the crucifixion of Christ defies Greek and Jewish thought; how Jesus threatened the existence of the Judaic law; the purpose of the Law; the culture war in America; how Jesus will save the […]

The Vanishing of Medical Freedom in America, Why the Drug War Has Failed

Skip past 50 minutes in the video for this hour. Dr. Stewart Tankersley of Concerned Doctors joins the show to discuss the vanishing of medical freedom in America, the court decision in New York City, whether the vaccine manufacturers knew about the adverse effects of their products, the spiritual aspect of what’s taken place, and […]

Michael Rectenwald: Tackling the Coming Digital ID Hellscape

Professor Michael Rectenwald joins the show to comment on the suspension of his Twitter account for calling out the Malthusian agenda of the globalist elites. What is the real purpose behind the plan to enforce digital ID? How can we stay away from this digital ID system? What are “smart cities?” What separates the concept […]

The Rise of Groupthink in Healthcare, Free From the Spirit of Accusation

David Gornoski sits down with Dr. John Littell for a conversation on the importance of early COVID treatment; the agenda behind the lockdowns and the vaccines; the decline in the medical industry and the few doctors who are holding out; and more. What kind of voice should we strive to be in battling the globalist […]

Libby Emmons on the Horrors of Puberty Blockers, Kanye Censored & Kesha Promoted

Libby Emmons, Chief Editor of the Postmillennial, joins David Gornoski to comment on the Biden administration’s bigotry on draft registration that puts transgenders at an undue advantage, the horrors that come from puberty blockers, how children are duped into “transitioning,” and more. What should be the Christian response to the demand for Caesars? Why is […]

THINGS HIDDEN 85: Indian Bronson on Apocalyptic Chastity

David Gornoski is joined by culture critic, Indian Bronson, for a conversation about why charts are inexpensive, how the sexual revolution kills off reproduction, what can be done to end the sexual revolution, why western elites hate Putin, the military recruiting crisis in America, what millennials will think of themselves in their old age, how […]

How Empire Destroys the Family

David Gornoski starts the show by talking about what’s holding back the conservative movement of our time. Is government intervention a wise way to make a healthy culture? What do we need to know about human nature and human power? Do we have to be for a centralized, big government to stand up for the […]

Are the Bad Guys Winning? Jim Babka: Practicing Graceful Social Aikido

Skip past 45 minutes in the video for this hour. In this episode, James Kourtides joins David Gornoski to talk about the significance of censorship in the globalist empire, the fear of nuclear war, the rapid spreading of fear, the influence of Christianity, and more. Plus, Jim Babka, founder of Downsize DC, calls in to […]

What Ants Teach Us About Violence, Why Caesar Fails Before Christ

“A nation that lives by the sword shall die by the sword,” David Gornoski says as he comments on the escalation of the Ukraine war. Why do people demand caesar? How does Jesus’ empire differ from that of our own? Did dissident voices exist before the time of Christ? Listen to the full episode to […]

THINGS HIDDEN 84: Paul Gottfried on the Future of Conservatism

David Gornoski sits down with Paul Gottfried, editor-in-chief of Chronicles magazine, for a discussion on the recent National Conservatism Conference in Miami, whether the American idea is susceptible to more revolutions, the Woke version of the Left, US intelligence backing of the Frankfurt School, Christian guilt in modern America, countering what Rene Girard called “super […]