
THINGS HIDDEN 98: Mimetic Desire and the Sign of Jonah with Anthony Bartlett

David Gornoski sits down with Anthony Bartlett, author of the book Theology Beyond Metaphysics, for a conversation on approaching semiotics through the work of Rene Girard, how to approach violent passages in the Old Testament, why the Gospel will heal violence in the animal kingdom, why Jesus’ self-sacrifice was so scandalous to the ancient world, […]

We Fight Because of Our Similarities – David Gornoski on the Counterflow Podcast

Check out David Gornoski’s recent appearance on the Counterflow podcast with Buck Johnson. Episode description: “My guest this week, in what is one of my favorite interviews to date, is David Gornoski. David Gornoski is the host of the radio show A Neighbor’s Choice–a show that looks at politics, science, and culture through the lens […]

THINGS HIDDEN 97: The Christ and Dilbert with Shannon Braswell and Shane Kennedy

David Gornoski sits down with Shannon Braswell and Shane Kennedy for a conversation on Scott Adams’ reaction to a poll on race relations in America. How can we combat a media apparatus that is motivated by the urge to divide and conquer? What is the source of the disintegration of race relations in America? To […]

THINGS HIDDEN 96: The Astounding Science of Near Death Experiences with John Hagan MD

David Gornoski sits down with Dr. John Hagan for a fascinating conversation on near-death experiences. Is there evidence that these visions are actually near-death experiences and not something else? Are there any experiences that are identical to heaven or hell? In light of these observations, do we need to redefine what constitutes “sight?” What are […]

David’s Final Radio Address, the Path Ahead

What does A Neighbor’s Choice mean? What does Jesus’ attitude toward violence teach us about how to conduct ourselves in the world and how power structures are supposed to operate? Why is there stagnation in the world of science and technology? How do we get back to that creative renaissance that has been missing from […]

Anthony Sabatini: Why the Disney Bill Is Not a Win, David on Naming the Evil

Anthony Sabatini calls in to explain why the Disney bill is a loss for Florida and a win for Disney despite what Gov. DeSantis might claim. Is the permitless carry bill good for Florida? What do we make of DeSantis’ connection to certain neocons? Listen to the show to find out. Also in the show, […]

Anthropology Through the Eyes of a Landscaper

Jordan, a landscaper from Florida, guest hosts this episode and he dives deep into how Rene Girard changed the outlook on his relationships with those close to him. How can we learn to breathe life in times of stress? How can we create art and live joyfully through suffering? How do we renew ourselves daily […]

If We Build IT: David Gornoski Appears on 2Bit Podcast

Watch David Gornoski’s recent appearance on 2Bit Podcast. Episode description: “Mark and Jason are joined with special guest David Gornoski of the Neighbour’s Choice podcast and radio show. We invited David on to talk about Rene Girard, the war on differentiation and his hope filled vision of a Christian future.” Follow Mark on Twitter here. […]

Why Differences Must Be Celebrated, Anthony Sabatini on Strengthening School Choice Bill

What is the reason for the success of shows like Desperate Housewives in our society? Join David Gornoski as he explains how the worship of other people’s desires leads to our enslavement. What must we do to free ourselves from this enslavement? Why is America the most racially sensitive nation in history? Listen to the […]

David Gornoski Appears on 1819 News Podcast

Watch David Gornoski’s recent appearance on 1819 News Podcast. David and the show’s host Bryan discuss “a host of issues, chief of which is the fact that WE ARE THE CAVALRY. We can’t wait on a political Messiah to save us, we must get busy being the solution. They cover innovation, seed oils & nutrition, […]