
THINGS HIDDEN 93: Exploring Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory with Johnathan Bi

David Gornoski sits down with Johnathan Bi for a conversation on Johnathan’s introduction to the work of Rene Girard, Girard’s eschatological views, mimesis in the workplace, how Girard proposes we withdraw from conflict arising from mimetic desire, how the Left-Right dialectic plays out as mimetic doubling in our current culture, how Christ unleashes the personhood […]

Lost Highway – A Film Analysis

Lost Highway is a 1997 psychological thriller directed by David Lynch of Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive fame. This movie, alongside Mulholland Drive, is known for being one of the hardest films to follow. There have been all kinds of speculation to its underlying meaning due to the lack of a grounded plot, but the […]