
The Pentagon’s Secret Army

David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on the latest revelations surrounding Bill Gates’ divorce and his connection to Jeffrey Epstein. Should we take medical advice from someone who takes marriage advice from Epstein? Why does the Left coddle Liz Cheney and yet scapegoat Tulsi Gabbard? What went on behind the scenes as Trump proposed […]

Scientism Religion Falling Apart

“Scientism is the biggest hindrance to progress,” David Gornoski says as he begins the show. What is scientism? David highlights how the American Heart Association, for example, pushes myths in nutrition that say red meat causes cancer. Where are the skeptics on the Left and what will it take for genuine scientific inquiry to return? […]

Wilfred Reilly on the Racial Component of Vaccine Passports, Wuhan Lab Leak

Why are people like Fauci permitted to fund Chinese labs like Wuhan with taxpayer money? How do we promote scientific inquiry without falling into scientism? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also, David Gornoski is joined by professor Wilfred Reilly who calls in to talk about how vaccine passports can potentially be deemed […]

Live Masked or Die, Tucker Goodrich on Bad Nutrition Science Papers

How closely related are Keynesian economics and Marxist rhetoric in today’s politics? How do we create good healthy differentiation in our society? Why is someone like Joe Rogan dwarfing twentieth-century media in terms of viewership and exchange of ideas? Join David Gornoski as he answers these questions. Also in the show, David is joined by […]

Jeff Deist: The Authoritarianism Behind the Mask

The president of the Mises Institute, Jeff Deist, returns to the show to comment on the latest announcement by the CDC on mask-wearing for unvaccinated people. “It’s not whether you get a vaccine or not,” Jeff Deist says, “We have to resist this authoritarian strain in American thought today.” Join Jeff Deist as he comments […]

The Old Media Complex Are Conspiracy Theorists

Do we “otherize the media” when we critique power? Join David Gornoski as he analyzes the latest news and topics such as the locking up of Capitol protesters; the literacy problem in places like California thanks to public schools; a toxicologist’s call to halt the distribution of COVID vaccines; the corporate press’ denial of reality […]

Back the Blue Goes Where?

How wrong can the mainstream media be on virtually everything they come across? Are we progressing towards peace despite the rampant groupthink visible in our society? Join David Gornoski as he addresses these questions. David is also joined by Kerry Baldwin, writer at Mere Liberty, who calls in to talk about vaccine passports, the Christian […]

Bilk Back Better

David Gornoski recounts how a scientific paper recently confirmed what he and Tucker Goodrich has been saying about vegetable oils and COVID. The TV media is training us to be brute savages, David says as he highlights how Ashli Babbitt’s killing is being airbrushed out of history. Did Russia hack the pipeline system? Why is […]

Sen. Rand Paul Confronts Dr. Fauci on Gain of Function Wuhan Work

David Gornoski comments on Rand Paul’s confrontation with Anthony Fauci on taxpayer funding of Wuhan’s gain-of-function research. David highlights how Fauci tried to play the semantics game with Dr. Paul. Has Fauci just lied to congress? What will it take for the hypnotized masses to realize that they are being fed religion and not science? […]

FDA Pushes Experimental Vaccines on Kids

What is happening with the vaccine rollouts? Has Signal exposed Facebook’s seedy anti-privacy practices? Can Antony Blinken back up his claim that the U.S. government protects independent journalism while having Assange locked up in Britain? Join David Gornoski as he gets to the bottom of these questions while addressing the latest news such as violence […]