A Neighbor’s Choice Radio
Welcome, Neighbor.
Hosted by writer and speaker David Gornoski, A Neighbor’s Choice Radio Show examines the role of violence and religion in society. From victims of state violence against nonviolent behaviors to public figures and contrarian voices, the conversations that unfold create an illuminating and sometimes strange journey for listeners.
BitChute embedding powered by embed.tube David Gornoski starts the episode with a reflection on the work of Russian existential thinker Nikolai Berdyaev. People are increasingly being treated like machines, David says, giving rise to the erasure of personhood. David then shifts subject to the new fascism of government-corporate alliance which is emerging in our time. […]
David Gornoski starts the episode with a look into the plan to roll out vaccine passports and how the state-sponsored media is covering the story. We are being ruled by people who don’t know anything about the immune system, David Gornoski says. What we are dealing with are people who are prepared to forego freedom […]
Is there a possibility of Pence rejecting contested electors under the 12th Amendment? Why do we understand peer pressure on an individual level yet behave cultishly when it comes to government actions? Join David Gornoski as he explains why big business, big government, and big pharma needs to stay out of deciding our health choices. […]
The fight for the Presidential Election continues! David Gornoski analyzes the latest news surrounding the election; he also addresses the dire situation faced by non-violent first-time offenders in federal prisons struck by the pandemic. Why is Texas suing major swing states over election results? Are mail-in ballots considered constitutional? Join David Gornoski as he calls […]
David Gornoski opens the episode with an analysis of Biden’s recent comments on CNN where he talked about disagreements with Kamala Harris and “having a disease and resigning.” “What did they do to this man?” David asks, “This man needs a break!” What is the mystery behind the Left’s scapegoating of President Trump? David provides […]
Biden and his handlers want to impose a hundred days of wearing masks. Why isn’t he pointing us to the right nutritional practices in order to strengthen our immunity? Join David Gornoski as he explains how the government cult of “trusting the experts” isn’t far away from the lynchmobs and witch hunts of the ancient […]