A Neighbor’s Choice Radio
Welcome, Neighbor.
Hosted by writer and speaker David Gornoski, A Neighbor’s Choice Radio Show examines the role of violence and religion in society. From victims of state violence against nonviolent behaviors to public figures and contrarian voices, the conversations that unfold create an illuminating and sometimes strange journey for listeners.
They won’t tell you to stop eating the vegetable oils, which have been scientifically proven to be harmful, but they’ll tell your kids to get experimental drugs based on two months’ data. “Demagogues in empty suits are the perfect candidates to thrive in DC,” David Gornoski says. Joining David for this episode is Jerry Bowyer, […]
The Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist calls in to talk about the Biden administration’s all-out effort to mandate medicine; the scapegoating of the unvaccinated; beer restrictions in Australia; the government’s blaming of meatpackers for rising prices; how government drives inequality from a monetary perspective; and more.
Dr. Weiping Yu, the chief science advisor of A Neighbor’s Choice, returns with more Science and U. The physicist comments on the news that the ITER fusion reactor has received the world’s most powerful magnet. Is there something fundamentally wrong with the Fusion energy model? Listen to the entire segment to find out.
The show starts with David Gornoski highlighting how the Biden administration has done nothing but stoke division among average Americans and encourage scapegoating for failures like the Afghanistan withdrawal. What does the latest attack on Larry Elder reveal about the establishment Left? What does Fauci’s past record of handling medical crises reveal about him? Does […]
Is there hope at the end of the dark tunnel that we’re going through right now? David Gornoski thinks so as he starts the episode by illustrating how the American public is turning against Biden and DC’s scapegoat machine. Also in the show, Tucker Goodrich calls in to talk about what causes the rise of […]
The world will have to wake up to the incestuous relationship between big government and big pharma. Is there any reason to listen to the institutions responsible for the opioid crisis? Why should we put our trust in a model that claims that the solution for any disease is only patented medicine? Join David Gornoski […]