Polk Commission Backs Down From Letter

David Gornoski opens the show by commenting on Brazilian president Bolsanaro’s defiance at the UN. Why are people mad at a two-year-old for not wearing a mask and yet okay with Fauci’s funding of gain of function research at Wuhan? Listen to the full episode to find out. Plus, joining David Gornoski is Polk County […]

Analyzing the State-Sponsored Attack on Generic Medicine

Why is obesity rising in American children and where are the FDA and Fauci on this issue? Join David Gornoski as he addresses the public health institution’s silence on the impact nutrition has on our bodies while also commenting on the Big Tobacco-style hit on generic medicines. What are doctors like Tess Lawrie saying about […]

Gen. Milley’s “White Rage” in Afghanistan

“Twenty years later after 9/11 and our government’s still patting down grandmas at the airport.” Judging from the actions of the police enforcing lockdowns, what has gone so badly wrong in Australia? Is Colorado meddling with the pandemic death numbers? Will there be any consequence for the bureaucrats responsible for Afghanistan drone strike deaths? Who […]

Escaping Big Pharma Hellscape

What in the world is going on in China? Why was the San Francisco mayor caught defying her own mask mandate? Why does the political status quo expect us to believe that science can be determined by government action? Why isn’t the FDA willing to solve the opioid crisis? Join David Gornoski as he reflects […]

THINGS HIDDEN 48: Jean-Michel Oughourlian on Mimetic Desire in the Global Pandemic

In this latest THINGS HIDDEN conversation, David Gornoski and Shannon Braswell sit down with returning guest, Jean-Michel Oughourlian, the co-author of Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World. Mr. Oughourlian talks about his two upcoming books Alterity and The Work that Heals. How do we reconcile individuality and collective identity, especially in the light […]

Nicki Minaj Gets Scapegoated, Ron DeSantis Wins

The Mises Institute’s Tho Bishop calls in to talk about Nicki Minaj’s tweets on mandating medicine; Ron DeSantis’ federal court victory on mask mandates; the federal government’s attempt to ban FLoridians from monoclonal antibody treatment; the Republican failure to stop Biden’s drug mandate; and more.

Science and U: Asteroid Kleopatra

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with a refreshing segment of Science and U. The physicist comments on the asteroid Kleopatra and how it may have given birth to its own moons; why the science establishment is reluctant to correct its fundamental flaws; and more.

Michael Rectenwald on the Origin of Google

David Gornoski starts the show by commenting on Nicki Minaj’s tweets on mandating medicine and the reactions she drew with them. How do we overcome the rampant censorship without giving in to crowd behavior? Joining David for this episode is Professor Michael Rectenwald who comments on the CIA-funded origin of Google and Facebook; how the […]

Tucker Goodrich Takes on Keto Study, PUFAs, Beef Tallow

Nutrition researcher Tucker Goodrich joins David Gornoski to talk about how we can properly lose weight, getting rid of PUFAs, how carbs-craving people can detoxify through avoidance of seed oils, supplements, whether excess sugar can weaken the immune system, how we can live anxiety-free lives, whether our mitochondria can recover from seed oil damage, why […]

Australian Reports on Local Tyranny

Triple-dosed Israel still has skyrocketing cases of COVID. Why is this happening? Joining David Gornoski to report on the near-Orwellian state of Australia is Randall Evans who illustrates how Australians are being subjected to ever-present digital surveillance, snitching by neighbors, curtailing of religious freedom, and identity theft by the authorities. Will the authoritarian tyrants prevail […]