Media Ecology in Pandemic and War

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] David Gornoski is joined by investigative journalist James Martinez and they discuss the stagnation of progress with state worship; how mediums affect information; how groupthink is formed by the daily news; pandemic programming; the weaponizing of words and communication; and more. Listen to James […]

War Propaganda Appeals to the Chimp Mind

David Gornoski starts the episode with an exploration of how satanic systems cause us to hate one another and wage wars. Was there a possibility that the current war in Ukraine could have been averted? Should we believe what the media is telling us about this war? How do we make sense of the western […]

Real Numbers & Inflation, The Neocon Resurgence

The Mises Institute‘s Jeff Deist and John Williams of discuss the real numbers behind the inflation, why oil is so volatile, the value of holding gold, and more. Also in the show, Pedro Gonzalez of Chronicles Magazine calls in to talk about the resurgence of neocons and the spreading of misinformation amidst the current […]

The Economics of Sanctions

The Mises Institute‘s Jeff Deist starts the show by talking about the media pivot from the pandemic to war. He is joined by Jonathan Newman to discuss the economics of sanctions, whether sanctions against private Russian firms are justified, economic blowbacks towards ordinary Americans, Russia’s exclusion from SWIFT, why cryptocurrency threatens the dollar, and more. […]

Tackling Diabetes, Gallstones with Diet

How can we tackle the rising diabetes rate in America? Why aren’t doctors recommending the keto diet to treat diabetes? Join Tucker Goodrich and Dave Feldman as they explore these questions. Plus, Tucker talks about what the American Heart Association is doing right and what it should be doing more; the most common side effects […]

A Diet Experiment Against High LDL

Tucker Goodrich guest hosts this episode of A Neighbor Choice and he is joined by Dave Feldman, director of the Citizen Science Foundation, who discusses his diet experiment to treat high cholesterol. What kind of diet was successful for Dave Feldman in getting his LDL down and what can we learn from it? Listen to […]

Seed Oils and the Government’s Nutrition Guidelines

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for the 2nd hour.] Are the animals of the Ottawa protesters “racists”? Is inflation due to the Ukraine conflict as Biden would like us to believe? Join David Gornoski as he takes on the latest topics and news from around the nation. Also in the show, Tucker […]

The Left Is Dick Cheney in Drag

Why are we all of a sudden supposed to care what happens in Ukraine? “The Left is now Dick Cheney in drag,” says David Gornoski as he takes apart the Biden administration’s drumming for war. Why was Nick Searcy’s interview on the List canceled? What could possibly benefit the public by the CDC’s covering up […]

Today’s Liberty Movement & the Woke Poisoning of Comedy

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for the 2nd hour.] The Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist and Dr. Patrick Newman discuss the rise of housing prices; how Florida can avoid turning into a failed blue state and establish its identity as the freest state in America; and more. Plus, comedian Dave Smith joins the […]

The Attack on Democracy in Canada

The Mises Institute‘s Jeff Deist starts the episode by talking about his favorite President, Jimmy Carter. Joining Deist for this episode is Canadian politician Maxime Bernier who offers his insights on Trudeau’s emergency declaration and how democracy is on the verge of crumbling in Canada. How will Canada’s parliament vote on the emergency? Listen to […]