THINGS HIDDEN 161: History Devoured

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta get together to discuss why looking at the hidden victims of history is important, what the destruction of the temple in 70 AD signifies anthropologically, coveting our neighbor’s being, contrasting the Lord’s Supper with cannibalism of primitive societies, the prevailing schizophrenic view of Jesus, how Jesus frees us from death […]

Scott Horton on Israel’s War Against Palestine

David Gornoski sits down with Scott Horton of for a conversation on the much-neglected truth behind the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. Do the Palestinians really have a country as many in the West claim? Is there something about the origin of Hamas that we’re missing out on? Are the Palestinians encroaching on Israeli land as […]

Seed Oil Survival: Suzanne Alexander on Her Ancestral Diet Journey

 David Gornoski is joined by Suzanne Alexander, co-author of the Ancestral Diet Revolution, for a fascinating conversation on how shifting over to an ancestral diet cured Suzanne’s digestion problems. Also discussed are whether veganism is a suitable diet for curing digestion problems, whether red meat is harmful to the colon, whether killing animals for […]

Dennis Marburger Exposes Ethnic Cleansing In Artsakh

David Gornoski sits down with Dennis Marburger for an update on the situation between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Is there ethnic cleansing underway in Artsakh? Why has Israel been sending weapons to Azerbaijan? What is the US government’s role in this conflict? What does Hamas think of Armenia and Azerbaijan? Listen to the full episode to […]

THINGS HIDDEN 160: Israel vs Gaza Through New Eyes

David Gornoski, Shane Kennedy, and Shannon Braswell get together to discuss the current situation in the Middle East, the USA’s role in the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Jesus response to the war, the violence-condoning passages in the Old Testament, the formation of Israel, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 159: Recent Murders and the Holy Spirit

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta comment on the reaction to the murder of Brooklyn activist Ryan Thoresen Carson, the difficulty of forgiveness, the satanic trap of crowds, how the Left vs. Right dialectic feeds mimetic conflict, how Jesus defeats the dialectic, the Holy Spirit as defense attorney, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 158: India, Japan, and the Secret Sauce of America

David Gornoski sits down with Will Spencer and the two have a fascinating conversation about Will’s traveling experiences in India and Japan and how these opposite cultures relate to America. The conversation starts with how industrialization has robbed men of their significance in society and how Will’s experience in traveling the world moved him toward […]

Seed Oil Survival: Raw Egg Nationalist vs Zero Acre Farms

David Gornoski is joined by Raw Egg Nationalist who talks about his latest article on Weston Price’s observation of the transition to seed oils, whether Zero Acre Farms has the answer to the seed oil crisis, why we need to heed the warnings of the Showa Denko incident, whether regulations can help mitigate the crisis, […]

THINGS HIDDEN 157: Incarnational Christianity vs. Belief-ism

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta return with another in-depth THINGS HIDDEN conversation that explores the problem with beliefism, the anthropological evidence for Jesus, the modern struggle against hierarchies, how tyranny is becoming vulnerable in the light of the cross, why the real-time unravelling of pandemic mandates is important, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 156: Up From Individualism with Jim Babka

In this fascinating THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski is joined by Jim Babka of Gracearchy podcast. The two discuss how Mimetic Theory overlaps with Christian Voluntarism; person vs. individual; the political hatred of Russia; whether America will love liberty again; how technological innovation creates more liberty; a Christian’s role in the marketplace; why the Drug […]