The Push-Pull Seduction of the State and Other Gods

Mimetic theory suggests that humans are magnetically attracted to model-obstacles. We want to imitate being which appears scarce in its attainability. We fashion gods in the image of the kind of power we admire and covet: capricious, “hard to get” lovers who can also turn to disinterest or condemnation on a dime. Likewise, it is […]

ANC Ep. 8: David Gornoski Interviews Robert Murphy

How do we win liberty for the future? Where does the liberty movement go in these rapidly changing times? A Neighbor’s Choice founder and syndicated writer David Gornoski speaks with Austrian economist Dr. Robert Murphy. You won’t want to miss this discussion as winning strategies for communicating liberty are discussed as well as a timely […]

To Be Free

It’s such a privilege to be alive. To be free from pain and social isolation. Why would anyone want to put another nonviolent person in an assault cage to deprive them of these things in the precious few years each of us have on this Earth?

What is Leftism?

The definition of a leftist is one who uses the rhetoric of Marxist victimism to market plain old state-corporatism, aka fascism, to the masses.

Leftist Justice vs Christian Justice

The Leftist view of justice is to complain about white people having dreadlocks, Abuser-run Hollywood Oscar nomination quotas for blacks, and racist conspiracies against “Russians.” The Christ imitator’s view of justice means freeing millions of black persons, and all other persons, from violent prisons for all victimless crimes and regulations, uniting sons and daughters with […]

The Cross vs Pagan Sacrifice

“In olden times, people used to look for scapegoats in those who were different in appearance and behavior. Then the crucifixion happened and, finally, we started making progress and tried hard to move away from the child sacrifice and witch hunting. We identified, with the compassion of Christ, that these people needed special care so […]

A Neighbor’s Choice Ep. 6: Michael Gibson Interview

Episode 6 introduces us to Michael Gibson, General Partner of 1517 Fund, the university-defying capital fund aimed at empowering young entrepreneurs to make the world better through science and innovation. Named after the date of Martin Luther’s 95 theses, 1517 Fund is hosting a General Assembly on October 31, 2017. Learn more here:… Hosted […]

How Juries Function as a Scapegoat Mechanism

My recent essay‘s size constraints didn’t permit me to elaborate on this but I do have a nuanced view of the jury system theory. I see it as a Christian revelation-influenced move away from private vendetta parties and mob violence. I recognize the English law system’s principles of habeas corpus, presumption of innocence, etc as […]

Trump: The Scapegoat Supreme

Because he refuses to hide the knife of the state, Trump is a heretic invader in the Holy of holies of our state religion. That also makes him the scapegoat supreme of our reigning religion of state power which feigns decorum and transcendence to mask the vulgarity and power lust inherent in every state action. […]