THINGS HIDDEN 35: Visionary Mimesis in 20th Century Rubble with Michael Gibson

THINGS HIDDEN! David Gornoski is joined by Michael Gibson, venture capitalist and co-founder of the 1517 Fund. Is economics a moral philosophy? Why is there reluctance in trusting mainstream experts now more than ever? How do Leftists feel now that all of the major corporations are on their side on almost every issue? If Jesus […]

The Clueless Bureaucracy Dominates Health and Nutrition

If we respect personal liberties and reject the top-down powerplay approach to solving problems, David Gornoski argues, we would make tremendous progress in the fields of science and medicine. David also comments on the recent revelations on the Wuhan lab leak story, nanny state retardation of health and nutrition; the painful effects of PUFA and […]

Nationalism, Globalism or Personhood?

David Gornoski begins the episode by highlighting how we must move beyond the media’s fixation on persona and focus on principles. We can’t always be anti-something if we’re not for something. What would the food, medicine, entertainment, and other industries look like if all of them were decentralized? Is nationalism the answer to globalism? Why […]

Can Governments Solve Beef Hacking?

The Mises Institute’s Jeff Deist returns to the show to talk about the persecution of Glenn Greenwald by the radical Left; the sustainability of woke big corporation like the New York Times and Washington Times; Great Reset proposals for digital ID wallets; the hacking of JBS meat plants; what social democracy would bring to America; […]

Science and U: Authentic Scientific Inquiry Must Return

Dr. Weiping Yu returns with another segment of Science and Yu. The renowned physicist comments on NASA’s proposed mission to Venus; the nutritional causes of diseases and comorbidities; the innate ability of puppies to socialize with humans; and the need to develop free-flowing scientific inquiry amid increasing religiosity.

Weaponized Clowns in the TV Media

Should we seize the government in order to get our liberties back? We shouldn’t be dismissive about the allure of sacrificial violence, David Gornoski says in answering this question. David also comments on the TV media’s Big Pharma propaganda; EU’s implementation of the Great Reset with digital ID wallets; and more. Plus, David is joined […]

Escaping the Dialectic

David Gornoski comments on the latest news stories surrounding Fauci such as his upcoming book and the revelations from his emails that have been released as part of a Freedom of Information Act request. What has Israel discovered about Pfizer? How does political correctness imitate Christianity in its universality and inclusiveness? Is fish oil safe […]

Mimesis and Epistemology, Mob Turns on Fauci

David Gornoski starts the episode by highlighting how groupthink has pervaded the world of science and media and why we must break this herd mentality by thinking out of the box. Now that the public is demanding some accountability regarding Fauci, are we falling back onto scapegoating? How do we challenge the overreliance of our […]

Why The Culture Has An Appetite for Sacrificial Violence w/ Peter Quinones

David Gornoski recently appeared on Peter Quinones’ podcast, Free Man Beyond the Wall. David and Peter talked about Rene Girard’s Mimetic Theory, the sacrificial origins of the State, and our culture’s appetite for sacrificial violence. Listen to the podcast or watch the entire interview above.

THINGS HIDDEN 34: Mimetic Failure of Mythic Heroes and the Triumph of Christ with Erik Buys

THINGS HIDDEN! David Gornoski is joined by Erik Buys, author at Mimetic Margins, teacher, and elected member of the board of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion (COV&R). What is the difference between Christ’s sacrifice and the three types of heroic sacrifice in mythology? What is extremism and how does it lure people? Why is […]