Red Lobster Vultures and Apocalyptic Economics

David Gornoski and Shane Kennedy get together to discuss who AI will replace in the future, social media mimesis, the decline of energy in the physical world, Red Lobster woes, how to be economically free, and more.

Steve Bannon Goes to Prison, Why Power Politics is DYING

Why is it futile to engage in power politics? David Gornoski answers this question and talks about Steve Bannon’s arrest, how Christ-hauntedness drives culture, how evil can be overcome, the stupidity of online influencing, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 197: How Victimism Retards Progress

David Gornoski and Surit Dasgupta talk about how victimism stifles progress in our society, the loss of trust, lack of desire for excellence, how to regain the frontier spirit, and more.

THINGS HIDDEN 196: Why Do Badgers Fight?

David Gornoski, Shannon Braswell, Shane Kennedy and Surit Dasgupta get together for an exciting discussion on what made Christians close-minded, why churches must abandon worship of institutions, obsessing over ecclesiology, why there is a lack of joy in church, and more. Check out Bright News here.

TRUMP And The Mimetic Cross (Appearance on 2Bit Podcast)

David Gornoski appears on Jason Mironchuk’s “At the End of the Day” show alongside Q of Mimetic Value. “Many people know of Rene Girard’s theories of desire and violence, but what does his Mimetic Theory and the Scapegoat have to say about Christianity? Are we Westerners haunted by the Cross? Is Trump the scapegoat to […]

TRUMP: Is He Guilty? Lies Your Liberal Teacher Told You w/ Wilfred Reilly

David Gornoski sits down with Kentucky University Professor Wilfred Reilly to talk about the hostility to WNBA’s Caitlin Clark, the impact of Trump’s conviction, Reilly’s upcoming book “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me,” religion as a binding agent, low testosterone, and more. Buy Prof. Reilly’s book here.

THINGS HIDDEN 195: What Should We Be Doing?

David Gornoski and James Kourtides talk about Trump’s conviction, how Trump has influenced other politicians, the need for decentralization, patent gnosticism vs incarnational innovation, what free market medical industry looks like, healing the soil for abundant crops, and more. Check out James Kourtides’ YouTube channel.

The Science: Peter McCullough MD Exposes Disease X Bird Flu Agenda

David Gornoski is joined by the returning Dr. Peter McCullough for an exciting episode of the Science. Are we facing a bird flu outbreak? Will Fauci and Co face any accountability? Why did the WHO treaty fail? Listen to the full show to find out. Visit Dr McCullough’s Substack here.

The Total State and its Holy Ghost Undoing w/ Auron Macintyre

Auron Macintyre, author of The Total State: How Liberal Democracies Become Tyrannies, joins the show to talk about what’s wrong with mainstream conservatism, the underdog energy of Trump, whether history is cyclical, the reigning pseudo-gnostic worldview, the Christ-hauntedness of Trump’s trial, what “loving your enemies” looks like, and more. Buy The Total State here.

Seed Oil Survival: Are PUFAs Essential? Sugar vs Starch, Thoughts on Ray Peat with Tucker Goodrich

Tucker Goodrich returns to the show to look back at the Ray Peat bioenergetic paradigm while also addressing PUFA damage, qualms about Keto diet, whether Omega 6 should be avoided, sugar vs starch, and more. Read Tucker’s Substack here.