THINGS HIDDEN 3 : Joker Film Analysis

Things Hidden host David Gornoski analyzes the movie ‘Joker’ while using its themes about culture, scapegoats, hierarchy, doubles, envy, and the breakdown of myth with the support of the Mimetic theory founded by Rene Girard. Saturnalia and other winter solstice carnival festivals preceding sacrifice, Cain and Abel, Romulus and Remus, Jesus and the Demoniac, and […]

THINGS HIDDEN 2: Saturnalia

Jesus’s persecution looks like the Saturnalia sacrificial festival of the Romans as well as the scapegoat ritual of Leviticus and the Greek pharmakos purge. This was a feature of Jesus’s plan in demonstrating the ugly reality of how humans make culture, order, and peace. Find out how this social mechanism Jesus uncovers operates in world […]

Diamond and Silk Interview – A Neighbor’s Choice

Diamond and Silk on Kavanaugh, the left’s accusatory mobs, and how they started a new media revolution bypassing media groupthink narratives. We also discuss Christianity vs state worship and Rene Girard’s scapegoat theory. This is video of A Neighbor’s Choice Radio Ep. 11 on NewsRadio WFLA 93.1 FM and 540 AM Orlando, original air date: […]

THINGS HIDDEN 1: Satan Casting out Satan

In this inaugural episode of THINGS HIDDEN, we learn about the phenomenon Jesus describes as “Satan casting out Satan.” How does this seemingly obscure passage inform your world, meaning, and order of your life? Along the way, we will use the Mimetic theory of the late French anthropologist Rene Girard to help us dissect the […]

Mikhaila Peterson and The Lion Diet Explained

Mikhaila Peterson joins A Neighbor’s Choice to discuss her radical health transformation using Beef, Salt, and Water only. Autoimmune disease, arthritis, depression, and other awful lifelong maladies were all healed by eating this carnivore diet. Now she wants to share its value with others.

ANC Ep. 8: David Gornoski Interviews Robert Murphy

How do we win liberty for the future? Where does the liberty movement go in these rapidly changing times? A Neighbor’s Choice founder and syndicated writer David Gornoski speaks with Austrian economist Dr. Robert Murphy. You won’t want to miss this discussion as winning strategies for communicating liberty are discussed as well as a timely […]

A Neighbor’s Choice Ep. 6: Michael Gibson Interview

Episode 6 introduces us to Michael Gibson, General Partner of 1517 Fund, the university-defying capital fund aimed at empowering young entrepreneurs to make the world better through science and innovation. Named after the date of Martin Luther’s 95 theses, 1517 Fund is hosting a General Assembly on October 31, 2017. Learn more here:… Hosted […]

A Neighbor’s Choice Ep. 5: Jacob Hornberger Interview

Episode 5 introduces us to Jacob Hornberger, the founder of the Future of Freedom Foundation ( to discuss how Christians should view the drug war, other vice laws, and foreign interventions. What follows is a fascinating exploration of law, liberty, and ethics that offers a glimpse of what’s possible through social imitation of Jesus of […]