The Real Religion That Dominates Us

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] What is the political fallout from the SCOTUS overturning of Roe v. Wade looking like right now? How do we get out of the zero-sum mental prison of political thinking? Is Putin’s “toxic masculinity” to blame for the war in Ukraine? Is Chris Pratt […]

Smashing the Narratives of Might-Makes-Right

David Gornoski starts the episode with an epic takedown of the Malthusian corporate-backed system stemming out of DC. Why is it so hard for humans to accept the premise that their ruling agencies are frauds deeply captured by their industrial interests? Why is Fauci suffering a rebound of COVID despite getting the medicine he decreed […]

THINGS HIDDEN 66: Battling to the End III

David Gornoski and Craig Stewart continue their study of Rene Girard’s last book Battling to the End. The discussion, delving into chapter 3 of Girard’s book, revolves around regulated reciprocity in markets; the physical component of desire; differences in Hindu and Greek myths; the obsession with “winning” in politics; the evolution of war; whether a complete […]

Globalism’s Nihilism

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] Are Democrats experiencing a shift among swing voters in the suburbs? Has Democrat talking points, usually involving “social justice” issues, become irrelevant among average Americans? Can we trust the cameras to keep working, now that Ghislaine Maxwell is placed on a suicide watch? Join […]

News as Propaganda, CIA in Ukraine

Has religion completely disappeared from our public sphere or are we just catechizing a different religion in our schools? What sacred act does our society wish to bind itself around? What are we to make of feminists rethinking intimacy after the overturn of Roe v. Wade? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also […]

THINGS HIDDEN 65: Battling to the End II

In this continuation of the discussion surrounding Rene Girard’s last book Battling to the End, David Gornoski and Craig Stewart explore chapter three of Girard’s book while asking important questions about the theories of evolution and creationism; the heavy-handed preaching in modern movies; trade warfare and the hidden violence in capitalism; whether economic pacifism is […]

THINGS HIDDEN 64: Dinesh D’Souza on Mules and Movies

In this special THINGS HIDDEN episode, David Gornoski is joined by filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza for a conversation about his latest film 2000 Mules. Why has the Left come to dominate our culture to the extent that double standards have become the norm? What kind of films should conservatives be making? Did Trump underestimate the swamp […]

More Ways to Protect Life, Tucker Goodrich Joins

“We have to be willing to protect life, joyously and confidently, from cradle to grave.” How can Leftists figure out that caring about others does not involve carrying water for DC elites and big corporations? Listen to the full episode to find out. Also in the show, Tucker Goodrich calls in to talk about the […]

Don’t Say Baby Law Is No More

It’s a holiday! David Gornoski is joined by Florida Rep. Anthony Sabatini who calls in to comment on the SCOTUS overturning of Roe v. Wade. Also joining the show are filmmaker and activist Jason Jones and The Stream’s John Zmirak. Should there be a federal ban on abortion? What kind of reaction can we expect […]

Jeff Deist & Joshua Yoder: The Airline Crisis

[Video contains both hours. Skip past 45 minutes for hour 2.] What are some of the glaring problems that are being overlooked in the federalization of gun laws? Joining Jeff Deist for this episode is Joshua Yoder from US Freedom Flyers who calls in to talk about the post-pandemic challenges to airline pilots and staff. […]